Chapter 11

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You and Thomas had been driving for about 20 minutes, your head was lightly rested on his shoulder, you felt comforted by this. You wondered where you were going, it wasn't a fancy restaurant as his outfit was not a match to that. It also wasn't anywhere to casual seeings as his shirt had a collar, and was a button-up.

After about 10 minutes of riding with the blonde boy, he came to a stop right outside of a forest.

"Are we going for a hike?" you asked

"Not really, but we will have to walk for a little bit," he said getting off his motorbike. You followed. He held out his hand for you to grab, which you did.

You were walking through the forest with Thomas hand in hand. You had already loved how the date was going. You were so excited about where he was taking you.

Eventually, after a brief walk, the sun was somewhat setting. And you came to a cliffside with a blanket laid out. It had candles, food and drinks all played out.

"Did you do this?" you asked, walking towards the lovely picnic blanket.

"Yeah. Do you like it?" he asked, rubbing his hand behind his neck lightly. You had picked up that he did that whenever he was nervous or embarrassed.

"I love it"

"Thanks, uh, have a seat love," he said, gesturing toward the blanket. You sat down, Thomas did the same. He had made Y/F/F for dinner and you had Y/F/D for a beverage.

"Thank you," you said as he passed you another drink.

"How did you know this was my favourite?" you asked, taking a sip of the drink he had just recently handed you.

"Your friend Curly knows a lot about you," he said smiling at the comment

"Yeah, he does, he's kinda like a brother to me" you looked at Thomas with a smile on your face.

"Want to play a game?" he asked making direct eye contact with you

"Sure, why not!" you say

"So, I don't know that much about you so, basically we just ask each other questions continuously, how does that sound?"

"Sounds good" you answered. "I'll go first. So, what did you go to school for?"

"You can find that on Wikipedia, ask something else," he said

"Okay, fine, um, what was the colour of your first bedroom?"

"That's an odd question"

"It not on Wikipedia" you answered sheepishly.

"Yellow and blue" he answered. "My turn. Who is your favourite superhero?"

"The Flash, or Spiderman" You answer not hesitating to think about it. You had always loved superheroes to a high extent.

"Interesting, ok, what's your big goal in life." This was a question you were not expecting, yet, you knew the answer so clearly in your mind.

"I want to get married, have a photography business and to one day, have kids of my own," you said

"Me too, minus the photography, replace that with acting, but other than that, it's pretty much the same."

"Really?" you asked, you were quite surprised at this.

"Yeah, really"

"I just would think that it would be easier to just have acting on your schedule," you say

"Yeah, you and most people," he said. He was slightly lying down, his weight being supported on his right arm. You were in a sitting position with your legs swirled and leaning on one arm, looking at Thomas. You two were staring at each other for what seemed like hours, it was silent, but a good, comfortable silence. Then he started leaning in, you did the same. And before you realized it, your lips collided with his hand cupping your one cheek, he could probably feel the heat rising to your skin. After a few seconds, he pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," he said he sat up, now sitting. Your hand lifted so that it was lightly placed on his cheek.

"It's okay, I didn't stop you, and I don't want to," you say in a calming and sympathetic tone.

"Really?" he asked

"Really really," you say, a smile creeping up your face

"Then, you wouldn't mind if I did it again"

"Not at all" You were both kissing again as if it was the first time, but after a while, the kiss became slow, yet passionate. After a while, you sped up and he pulled you on top of him, making you smile against his lips. He asked for the tongue which you allowed.

He was now on top of you, his hair hanging in his face slightly. You pulled away, you were now looking at each other with happiness and relief. You brushed your hand through his smooth blonde hair.

"I've been waiting a long time to do that," he says, getting off of you

"Me too"

You were now lying next to each other looking at the stars, and occasionally glancing over to one another.

"I should get you home," He says

"Yeah, we should do this again though," you say

You helped Thomas pack up the things he had so nicely laid out. You once again, walked through the forest, hand in hand, fingers interlocked. And he drove you home.

You had pulled up in the parking lot. And hopped off his motorbike.

"Thank you again, that's two that I owe you now" you blushed, though you knew he couldn't tell because of how dark it was outside.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow then?" he asked

"Of course!" you say

He gave you a light kiss on the cheek and drove off, and you couldn't stop thinking of how perfect that night with Thomas Brodie Sangster was!

A/N great now the kiss is done! I have honestly run out of ideas for the rest, I want to go to 15 chapters though, so let me know what you guys want to happen next! NO SMUT!

A Life Unplanned ( a Thomas Brodie-Sangster Fanfic imagine)Where stories live. Discover now