Chapter 6

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You were vibing to the music until there was a loud crash, and everything went dark.

You woke up in a hospital bed with a blinding light above your head, your whole right side hurt, and you looked to see bruises and blood spots everywhere on your right arm, you assumed that it was covering your body as well because of how bad the pain was.

You looked up to see Thomas lying on the couch in your room. 'What was he doing here?' you wondered. You made a small coughing noise to indicate that you were awake, he woke up to.

"Y/N, you're awake, thank god," He said walking towards you, a smile swallowing his whole face.

"Uh, yeah, wh-what happened?" 'What did happen?' you thought again

"Well, your friend, Elly, I think it was, said you were driving to her house, and on the way, you got into a car accident." he sounded relieved that you were okay. You, however, were trying to process what had just happened. There goes your date with Thomas.

"I know this isn't very relevant to what's just happened to you, but would you maybe, still want to go out with me, when you're better of course," He asked. You didn't know what to say. I mean sure he was the Thomas Sangster, but he's asking you out in this condition. It was incredibly confusing. But, you being the intense fangirl you are, said

"Yeah sure, but no car crashes." You laughed at this. Thomas blushed.

You both talked for a bit, then a doctor came in. He had shaggy brown hair, and was very tall and had a large beard.

"Miss. Y/L/N, how are you feeling, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being you got hit by a bus," He asked

"Well, I did get hit by a car doc, but probably an 8, maybe 8.5" You respond

"Very good, we will be keeping you here for about another week or so, if that's okay," he said, looking at his clipboard

"I guess I have no other choice," you said

"Will your boyfriend be staying with you?" he asked. Woah, he thinks you and Thomas are dating. You and Thomas both blushed.

"Oh, he's not my boyfriend, I-" Thomas cut you off

"I will be staying periodically" He jumped in, which surprised you. A lot. The doctor left.

"Why do you want to stay?" you asked, you had a puzzled look on your face, you looked up at Thomas, he was confused as well. "I mean don't get me wrong I'm happy that you are, but, why?" you continued, recovering from your last statement.

"Well, someone has to take care of you." He said

"That's what the doctors are for"

"Well, I'm here for company love!" It was cheery, now he was leaning on the hospital bed.

"Alright, but it was your idea, so if you want to leave, I understand," you said, reassuring him.

You two talked for hours and hours, the doctors eventually brought in a blanket and more comfortable pillows for Thomas, since he was spending the night with you. It was eventually 11 o'clock, and you could feel your eyes getting heavy, the pain was starting to hurt less, maybe you could get out of here sooner if you wanted to.

"I think I'm going to bed now," you say, a yawn somehow sneaks in

"Alright, good night love, see you in the morning!" He said he was beginning to lie down as well.

"And Thomas,"


"Thank you."

"Of course, anything for you," he said

That line confused you, 'anything', that word repeatedly came into your head. Did Thomas have feelings for you too? No that couldn't be, I mean he was a famous movie star, and you were just a bartender at a local pub.

That night was the first time you dreamt about Thomas, not just a fangirl dream, but a dream, unexpectedly came, you two were hugging, kissing. Could this be the future? No. no one can see the future, maybe it's just what you wanted to see, you and Thomas. Together. Forever. And, Happy. Together.

A/N Does Thomas like Y/N, or is Y/N just blinded by her fangirl obsession?????

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