Chapter 8

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"Then off to the café!" Thomas says pulling you along. He didn't bring his motorbike, so you walked, which was okay since it was a short distance.

On the walk, Thomas kept telling weird jokes, that were very cheesy but you laughed anyway. Your hands also brushed against each other many times, you always blushed but hid it quickly and looked away, hiding it. Thomas did most of the talking on the way there, he had so many interesting topics to talk about, he talked about times on set, his career and even random things, like his favourite type of dog breed and favourite type of cat. (Which was a beagle and a calico)

We arrived at the café, it was small and cute and looked like this.

"Woah, this place is awesome, I can see why you like it so much!" Thomas said in awe

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"Woah, this place is awesome, I can see why you like it so much!" Thomas said in awe.

"Yeah, I met my boyfriend here," You say, Thomas was shocked

"Y-You have a b-boyfriend," He said, surprised and stuttering on every word.

"No, I was just teasing," you said nudging his arm lightly.

"Oh, thank god, you worried me a second there, love." You both sat down at a table with 2 cushioned chairs that you immediately sunk right into. Eventually, a waiter came and asked us what we wanted to order.

"What can I get started for you both?" he asked pulling out a notepad

"Can I get Y/F/F please?" You say

"Yep! And to drink?"

"Irish breakfast tea please," You said handing him your menu

"And for you sir?" He asked Thomas

"I'll have chocolate cake and I'll have the same thing to drink please." He said, handing the menu to the waiter as you did. The waiter left and it was finally just Thomas and you.

"So, you have a sweet tooth?" You say sheepishly.

"A little bit yeah, what about you?" He said leaning back in his chair.

"Major, any junk food I can get, I'll devour," You say, you both chuckled.

"So, this is an odd question seeing as we just met but what do you want to do with your life?" He asked his fingers were locked together with his elbows on the table. He looked like he was a police officer interrogating a suspect, but kinder.

"Wow, that's a deep question, but, I don't know, I think I want to get into photography, I've loved doing it since I was a kid. When I was little, I and my friend used to just go around town and take pictures of each other doing weird poses" You respond

"Woah that's interesting, I wasn't expecting you to say photography!" He said, he looked amused and happy, almost flirtatious.

"Well, Mr. Sangster, what were you expecting me to say?" You took a drink of the water that was sitting in front of you.

"Something like modelling or a bartender for the rest of your life," he said

"Bartender makes sense, but model? That has me puzzled." You say a confused expression spread across your face.

"Well, you're very pretty, and tall for a woman, and I believe that's all you need to be a model." He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck again.

"Thank you, Uhm, what-" You were cut off by the waiter bringing you and Thomas' food. He placed Y/F/F in front of you and Thomas's chocolate cake in front of him.

Next, a waitress brought out our teas she was very kind until she started flirting with Thomas

"Woah, a nice jacket, it really frames your muscles," She said, placing her hand on his shoulder. Thomas looked very uncomfortable

"If you don't mind leaving me and my girlfriend," He said

"Oh, of course, sorry" she blushed bright red and gave you a look, you know, that look. She walked away

"Girlfriend?" you asked in a sarcastic and confused tone.

"The easiest way to get girls to stop harassing you." He said taking a bite of his cake

"Ah, but now everyone's going to think I'm your girlfriend," I said sipping my tea

"And what's so bad about that love?" he asked

"Well, it's just, uh," then you had a thought, had he called other girls his girlfriend? Were you just another unwanted part of his life? Did he care? You might be overthinking this.

"Exactly," he said, a smirk grew on his face, making me blush slightly.

"As I was saying before we were interrupted, What do you plan on doing with your life, if acting doesn't work out?" You ask. To be honest you were very curious

"I think I'd do something in the music industry, I play bass, so I could get away with being a musician." He was taking the last bites of his cake, you had finished recently as well.


"Yeah, I guess" He blushed. There was a long and awkward silence between the two of you. "Should we get the bill?" he offered.

"Sure, it's on me," you said

"Nonsense, I asked you out it's only right for me to do it," He said

"Okay, fine but next time I'm paying!" you had just realized what you had said. Next time? "If, you know, there is a next time." you bushed

"I think there should be," he said, making you feel a lot better about your previous statement.

The waitress from before brought the chequebook, not surprisingly, she left her number there too, but Thomas just crumpled up the paper and put it in the recycling bin as you walked out together. You laughed a bit to yourself.

A/N wow this is a long chapter! 951-word count! Crazy!

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