Chapter 13

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You quickly put on your PJs and went straight to bed. Little did you know that both you and Thomas had a hard time falling asleep because you had each other on your minds.

You awoke to an annoying alarm noise and Rikki licking your face aggressively.

"Rikki, what do you want?" you ask your dog, your voice was groggy. Your dog just let out a bark in response. You remembered that you had to work today. You were working a double shift since you pretty much had the whole week off due to what was referred to as a 'medical issue' even though you were perfectly fine.

You fed Rikki and made eggs and bacon for breakfast. You worked at 5:00 pm tonight, so you had plenty of time in the day to get ready, you decided to call Elly to tell her how the date with Thomas went, as promised!

The Phone Call

Elly: OMG, Y/N, how did the date go, tell me everything, well not everything, but you know what I mean!

You: Ok so you might want to grab some popcorn for this.

You told Elly all about the date with Thomas, she was quietly listening until you talked about the kiss.

Elly: what was it like kissing Thomas Sangster!?

You: Well, it was just like kissing any other person, but better, and I want to do it again!

Elly: Just be careful okay

You: what that supposed to men

Elly: I don't want you to be upset if he breaks your heart, like Zane. (A/N, good job if you remember who Zane is)

You: I know, trust me I won't

Elly: Okay girl, I got to go to work, talk soon?

You: Bye Elly
End of the phone call

The rest of the day you were very productive, considering what you normally do. You took Rikki for a walk, you were secretly hoping to see Thomas walking his dog Spencer. You also filled out some paperwork and made dinner which would probably last you about a week.

At around 4:00 you started getting ready for work. You decided to wear denim jeans, a grey tank top and a short-sleeve leather jacket. You didn't have to wear a specific uniform at the bars you worked at which was definitely a bonus to working at the pub.

You arrived at work, and your boss approached you.

"Hey Y/N, can you do a favour" he offers

"Sure! What's up?" I ask

"I need you to train our new bartender, he'll be here at 6:00 tonight"

"I can do that, what's his name?"


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