Chapter 2

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You and Curly had started taking the upside-down chairs off the tables and placing them on the floor. You also cleaned off some of the tabletops and bar counter, you turned on the tv next to the bar counter and saw that your favourite actor Thomas Brodie-Sangster, was finishing doing an interview. you watched thinking of how obsessed you were with the boy who you never actually knew until Curly clapped a few times in front of your face.
"Hello, earth to Y/N," he said in a monotone voice.
you came out of your much-enjoyed daydream
"Sorry, umm, what did you need?" you ask confused, trying to act as if nothing had just happened, it wasn't working.
"I asked if you were ready to let the customers in?" he said in a voice as if he was just continuing something he had just said.
"Yeah, um go wait outside, and, uh, ask for IDs or whatever you usually do," you say in an annoyed tone of voice. to be honest, you never knew what he did out there, you mostly talked about your life and other random topics, but never about him. maybe you should ask.
Curly walked out of the bar and you saw him wait outside with his arms tightly crossed.
The night was as it usually was until your ex-boyfriend decided to show up. Zane. What was that creep doing to her? you ask yourself in your head. You two had just broken up a few months ago, but he occasionally visited the bar only to get into your pants (eeww) back, which of course you never accepted. not after what he did to you.
Zane was a tall muscular man with rectangular glasses. At first glance, he was a pretty normal looking guy, but that's just on the outside. he saw you and came over to the bar. you quickly turned around trying to avoid conversation and started to fake clean a dirty glass.
"Hey Y/N I didn't know you worked here," oh no, it was Zane. the thought of even hearing his voice made you gag.
"really, You said that the last 7 times you've visited" you shot back
"oh so the lady is keeping track of how many times I visit, good to know" he muttered the last part under his breath. "So aren't you gonna ask me what I want to order?" he asks in a flirty tone. you turn around partly banging both your hands on the table.
"ok fine," you through the cloth in your hand on the bar counter "what do you want?!" you ask sounding annoyed.
"Since you asked, a pint, and make it good this time!" he demands. you quickly turn around and notice that Curly has left his chilli pepper flakes by the tap, there's a small note on it saying 'just in case' and a drawing of a winking face.
you pour the pint from the tap and quickly notice that Zane isn't looking so you slyly poor a good amount of chilli flakes in it. could you get fired for this? yes. Do you think you will get caught? no.
you put the glass down on the bar counter.
"Thanks Sweety" He saying in a voice you used to find attractive, now it was disgusting to hear.
He walks away and sits at a table next to a very pretty lady in scandalous clothes. 'great, he flirts with me, but goes to another girl right after he's bored if you were wondering, that's the reason you broke up with him. he cheated on you. but also, why would you even think that! you are much better off without him and why did you even care that he was touching another woman.
A few hours passed and you were getting very tired. Zane finally decided to leave. you were just about to head out when you heard your manager call your name. it sounded urgent, did he discover that you poured the chilli flakes in Zane's drink? you thought to yourself
"Y/N!" he called again. this time he sounded more excited than demanding. you turn round and he leads you into his office.
"I have good news, and I have bad news," He says sitting down on the edge of his desk. "so, what do you want to hear first." his arms are crossed now.
"Umm, the bad news," you say looking down at the floor, you were going to get fired and you knew it too...

A/N okay so sorry that Thomas isn't in this chapter, but I promise he's either going to appear in either chapter 3 or 4. and do you think Y/N will get fired?

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