Chapter 3

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You were going to get fired, and you knew it too...

"the bad news is, you need to work 2 more hours tonight." oh, that wasn't the answer you were expecting.
"ok, umm, why? I mean, uh, what's the good news?" you ask surprised
"My wife is supposed to be delivering either tonight or tomorrow night and that's why you have to work late," he says, a smile forming on his face
"That's awesome! congratulations! I didn't know your wife was pregnant!" you say very shocked, and to be honest, you didn't know he even had a wife.
"Thank you, now I have to go make sure to lock up and 30 minutes before closing, no one else can come in. got that? he said putting on his coat and about to walk out the door.
'Yep!" you respond cheerfully

The Pub was only supposed to be opened for about 2 more hours, which was great for you. I mean, sure it was midnight, but for the most part, you were a night owl.
No one came in for the last little bit, and only about 10 people were in the bar. So you decided to just play on your phone and watch behind the scenes of maze runner. It was about 1:20 now, you could tell your eyes were starting to get heavy. You were starting to regret taking an extra shift. 2 minutes later Curly packed up his stuff and left to go home.
"Good night Y/N, see you tomorrow" he waved goodbye and left putting on a brown beanie to cover his bald head. You politely waved back and went back to watching YouTube on your phone. 2 more minutes had passed and you were about to turn off your phone and go lock up but 1 more person entered the bar. 'Great' you think to yourself, annoyed at the fact another person had just come into the bar. He was wearing all black sweatpants, a hoodie and sunglasses that almost covered his whole face. He sat down in front of you as u pushed your phone into your pocket you asked
"What can I get for you"
"Hmm, well love I've never actually been here before, what's the special? He asks, he was humble and had a thick British accent, in the dim lighting you could see his dirty blonde hair.
"We have the same thing as most bars," you say looking down, but quickly realized how rude you just were
"Sorry, I'm, working too late, um, we have a Spanish cocktail, uh, and, uh, Pint. I don't know, I'm sorry." you lookup
"That's alright, you look exhausted, shall I make myself something," he asked, getting up from the barstool.
"no," you say, gesturing to sit down. "I got it, what would you fancy?" you finish. The stranger sits back down. You pour a pint from the tap and place it on the counter.
"so," The man says, taking a sip of his beer, "How long have you been working today?" you were not expecting that question
"about 6 or 7 hours today," you respond
'"oh, that is rough," he says
"Yeah, um, I guess"
"why'd you have to stay late?"
"how do you," you started but then last your thought
"Um, my boss and his wife are expecting soon, so I had to take the last shift"
"Well good for him." the man says cheerfully
you two talk mindlessly for another hour and then you realize the time
"Shit," you say
"what's wrong?" the man asks, you realize you still don't know his name.
"The bar was meant to close 20 minutes ago," you say in a panicked tone
"Do you need some help?" he offers
"that would be great" you accept
After you two leave you just stand there
"I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves," he says, breaking the silence
"Oh, yeah, duh, I'm Y/N," you say reaching your hand out
"I'm Thomas," He says shaking your hand
Then he removes his hood and sunglasses, and you see his adorable face, chocolate brown eyes and a stunning smile. It was unmistakably Thomas Brodie Sangster.

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