Chapter 10

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Thomas' POV

Today was the day that Y/N and I were going on a date together. I wasn't sure where we should go, and then it hit me.


You had no idea what to wear on your date with Thomas, you didn't even know where you were going, so you called Elly. She arrived a few minutes later.

"So you have a date with Thomas Sangster? Wholey shit Y/N that's awesome"

"Yeah, except I have no idea what to wear" You sounded panicked, your date with Thomas was in 8 hours, but you were going out with the guy of your dreams so you had to wear something good.

"I know, you know that yellow sundress you got for your birthday last year," Elly said looking through my closet

"Yeah, that could work"

"You also have this cute outfit" She held up the outfit she had thrown together

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"You also have this cute outfit" She held up the outfit she had thrown together. You gave her a 'really' look

"It's a no," she said Throwing the outfit back into my dresser "This one perfect

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"It's a no," she said Throwing the outfit back into my dresser "This one perfect.

"Go try it on," Elly says handing me the outfit we have picked. You come out of your ensuite and saw Elly staring at you like you were a diamond that was in a glass case at a museum

 You come out of your ensuite and saw Elly staring at you like you were a diamond that was in a glass case at a museum

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"Take a picture it lasts longer," I said

"You look so good. It's the perfect mix of casual and fancy. I'm sure wherever this boy is taking you, you'll impress him 10 times more than you already have." she said giving me a hug

"Thanks, Elle"

"I got to run, but tomorrow if you don't end up sleeping at his place, you are going to tell me every detail"

"Ok Elly, See you then" you waved goodbye and waited for your much-awaited date with Thomas.

There were about 2 hours until Thomas was coming to get you. You decided it was time to do your makeup look. You just had a plain and simple look, not too much. You had a light orange eyeshadow on and a light pink lip. Your hair was left down but you decided to curl it for a fun look. (If your hair is already curly then you can straighten your hair if you want to) That took way longer than you expected because now three were only 30 minutes left until your date with Thomas. You were now panicked. Even more so when you got a text from Thomas.

Thomas: Hey I'm On my way, don't dress to fancy(;

You: Ok, see you soon!

You didn't want Thomas to have to come up to see your dirty apartment so you decided to head downstairs. He arrived not long after with his motorbike which you rode when you two met at the bar you worked at which seemed like ages ago by now. You smiled as you saw Thomas, he was wearing a light grey collared t-shirt and black jeans. He looked casual so you knew you wouldn't be going anywhere too fancy.

 He looked casual so you knew you wouldn't be going anywhere too fancy

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"You look really pretty Y/N," he said getting off of his motorbike

"Thanks, so do you, Thomas," you say, a blush slightly creeping up your face. He handed you the same helmet that you had worn on the first night we met. You accepted it unhesitantly.

"You still not scared of my motorbike are you Y/N," he said teasingly

"Nope, and I hopefully never will be" you chuckled hopping on the back. Your arms wrapped around his waist and even though you couldn't see his face, you could tell that he was smiling internally.

A/N Next chapter is the one you've been waiting for, Y/N and Thomas' date! What will happen?

A Life Unplanned ( a Thomas Brodie-Sangster Fanfic imagine)Where stories live. Discover now