Chapter 15

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Let's enjoy these last moments living in peace. You thought to yourself and continued working with Curly.

You were cleaning glasses for the customers yet to come, and soon enough, 6:00 came around. And Zane walked through the doors with a grin spread across his face. Your boss approached him, you couldn't quite hear what they were talking about, but you assumed it was an introduction of some sort.
Zane and your boss walked up to you, and you put on a fake smile.
"Y/N, this is Zane, you will be showing him what goes on around here if you don't mind. It's not a question, it's an order" he stated firmly.
"Yep, sure thing" you reply, still 'smiling'. Your boss left you with Zane, he walked around the counter and greeted you.
"Long time no see, babe"
"Not long enough, and Zane, I have a boyfriend now," you said. Wait, did you just call Thomas your boyfriend?!
"Oh, really, I have a hard time believing that," he said, putting his hand in your thigh.
"Well, it's true. And I don't have to prove it to you" you pulled his hand off your thigh, and slightly gaged at his touch.
"You do have to tell me how to work here" he chuckled, moving closer to you.
"Fine. But this is only because I need this job" you moved away from him, and went over to the sink.
"Whatever you say, babe," he said
"Don't call me that." You replied angrily. "You can start by washing these dishes," you said.
"And where will you be?"
"None of your business" you were going to call Thomas. You needed some reassurance right now.
You grabbed your phone and clicked on Thomas's number.

Thomas: hey Y/N, what's up? Aren't you at work?

You: yes, but my ex decided to get a job here, and he's a pervert. Can you come, please?

Thomas: of course, love. I know this is odd to do over the phone, but would you maybe consider being my girlfriend. I was going to have a whole dinner and everything, but it seems you are in dire need of a boy-

You: I would love to Thomas

You cut him off.

Thomas: great, I'll be there soon! Bye, girlfriend

You: bye boyfriend

You chuckled at the last sentence.
You went back over to Zane, who had completely ignored the dishes and was now flirting with another girl. Not that you cared.
"Zane, what the hell! I told you to do the dishes!"
"Sorry, I just met Veronica over here an-"
"I don't care that you met a girl, you work here now, so now how about actually doing some work"
"Jeez, calm down babe"
"Don't call me babe! Get to work."
"Ok, ok" He went back to doing the dishes, and you went back to wiping the countertops from spills of previous drinkers. Thankfully, at around 8:00, Thomas came in.

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