Chapter 12

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He gave you a light kiss on the cheek and drove off, and you couldn't stop thinking of how perfect the night with Thomas Brodie Sangster was!

You went up to your apartment with a wide grin spread across your face. Thomas was perfect, was the first thought that came to mind. You checked your phone to set an alarm for tomorrow and saw a text from Thomas

Tommy<3: Hey love, I had a great time tonight, want to do something like that again soon?

You: Hi! I also had a lot of fun, does this Friday work well for you??<3

Tommy<3: Yep, see you then! Goodnight love!

You: Goodnight Tommy!

You quickly put on your PJs and went straight to bed. Little did you know that both you and Thomas had a hard time falling asleep because you had each other on your minds.

A/N Guys, I'm so excited for the next two chapters! Sorry, this one is so short, I had a busy week, see you Saturday with Chapter 13!

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