Chapter 17 .::Finale::.

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They were in a full-on fistfight now, this proves that Zane is incapable of working at a bar.

They continued to throw punches at each other, Thomas had a bloody lip, whilst Zane's nose was heavily bleeding. You couldn't help but stare at Thomas the whole time for two reasons:

1) He was hurt.
2) He was very strong, stronger than Zane.

People were crowding around the two but stopped when your boss came out.

"What the hell is going on here?!" he yelled. Thomas pulled away, Zane gave him one last shove. "Zane! I thought you were capable of working at a bar, but clearly, I was wrong! And you," Your boss points at you, anger spread throughout his voice. "How could you let both your trainee and boyfriend get into a fight! Do you know how bad that looks on this pub's record?!" You looked down, avoiding eye contact. Thomas put an arm around your shoulder. "No, you don't, because you are an incapable, and incompetent little girl. You and Zane, get the hell out of here. And Thomas, don't ever think of coming back here!" He stomped back into his office, infuriated. But this wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's, well maybe Zanes, or maybe even Thomas'. You and Thomas walked out of the bar together.

"Do you want to go back to my house, we can watch a movie?" Thomas asked, his arm still on you.

"Yeah, I'd like that." you paused, wondering if you should say what you had wanted to since you first met. "Hey, Thomas?"

"Yes, love?" He responded, looking down on you.

"This might be too soon to say because, in reality, we've only been dating for a week, even though I feel like I've known you my whole life, but, I love you."

"I love you too."

9 Years and 3 Months Later

You and Thomas had gotten married now. You were living in a small country home just outside of Gloucester, England. you had 3 children running around the house, and one on the way. your daughter's name was Patricia, and your two sons were called Rolan and River. You had become a photographer for Vogue magazine, and Thomas was still acting famously.

Yet, overall, you weren't sure of a lot of things. You were never sure if you would find love, or if you would even feel it. you never planned to have Thomas in your life or to have 3 beautiful children, with one coming soon. Yet, somehow, in this imperfect world, you found love, children, hope, family, and best of all, you found Thomas. and one thing for certain, you weren't letting it go anytime soon.
Your life was totally, and completely unplanned.

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