Chapter 7

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You had a calming sleep that night, you woke up around 10 a.m. Thomas was still asleep. You got out of your hospital bed and made your way down the halls to the dining area. As you passed all the rooms you noticed all the sick and injured ids. You felt bad for them, you didn't realize how lucky you had it right now.

There was food all over the tables ready to be eaten. There were assigned seats for all the patients who were able to walk and move properly. You sat down at your spot and started grabbing the food from the middle of the table. You had eggs, toast and orange juice for breakfast. Breakfast was pretty boring, no one talked to you except for an old man and lady, who was in a wheelchair. You still couldn't get that dream out of your head, it seemed too real, so good.

You walked the halls again seeing all the kids, one girl looked at you through the window in her door and smiled at you, you returned one. The girl looked so sad, she didn't deserve to be kept in a hospital or even be sick. It's funny, you don't even know this girl, and you feel bad. You walked into your room, with no window on the door to see Thomas shirtless. You quickly looked away.

"Uh, sorry." you stutter

"That's alright love, you can turn around now I have a shirt on." he thankfully did. You've seen pictures of him shirtless, but seeing it in real life was a little weird. "It's nice to see all the bruises on your arm have healed nicely," He said breaking the awkward silence.

"Oh yeah, I, uh, didn't even notice," you said looking at your previously injured arm. "I was wondering, do you can't get some coffee, I know a great cafe downtown," You asked

"Yeah sure, are you allowed out though?" he asked, but was excited.

"I mean, I'm healed, so I don't see why not." You said, but you were still in a hospital gown. "Maybe you should ask while I change?" you say.

"Yeah sure" Thomas left the room. You put on the clothes that the doctors had given you. It included a grey crew neck, black leggings, converse and a jean jacket to go over the top. And Thomas came into the room.

"Hey, you ready?" he asked sweetly

"I guess so, I assume I'm allowed?" you ask, taking a few steps towards Thomas.

"Yep, shall we?" he said, indicating me to take his arm.

"We shall," I said, taking the hint. On the way out we ran into a doctor.

"Miss. Y/L/N?" He asked

"Yeah? That's me" you said

"You are free to go, for good, unless you get seriously injured or sick, you are free to go," he said

"Woah, thanks, "I have all my stuff with me right now." You said

"So do I" Thomas looked at you.

"Great, well, goodbye!" he said waving and going to another room in the hospital.

"So is this like the date we were going to go on?" Thomas asked, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, you could tell he was very nervous.

"It can be," you say

"Then off we go to the cafe!" Thomas says pulling you along. He didn't bring his motorbike, so you walked, which was okay since it was a short distance.

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