Chapter 4

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It was unmistakably Thomas Bridie Sangster
and you were shaking his hand.
"it's nice to meet you," he says still holding your hand
"you too." you blush and pull your hand away.
He pulls a card from his pants pocket and hands it to you.
"what's this?" you asked confused.
"My number" He replies, now his cheeks are red 'was he blushing too?' you wonder
"oh, thanks," you say.
you pull out a business card of your own and hand it to him
"Now you have mine too," you say
he chuckles
"thank you," he says "can I give you a ride home?" he offers you.
"Um, yeah, sure why not," you say willingly
he led you to the parking lot and you saw a motorbike, you were never scared of them, in fact, you rather liked motorbikes. He hands you a spare helmet and you take it
"You're not scared?" he asks confused
"Not really no," You say
"well then hop on" He gets on and looks back making sure you are there too. You gently placed your arms around his waist, you had forgotten what it felt like to be on a motorbike. The last time you were on one, was with your dad, he had passed about 2 years ago from an overdose of drugs. But he was still always good to you.
When you arrived at your house you and Thomas hopped off the motorbike. It was an experience you'll never forget. You have got to do everything you have wanted to since 2006. (A/N what movie was Thomas in that was released in 2006?)
Meet Thomas Sangster
Go for a motorbike ride with Thomas Sangster
Touch Thomas Sangster
And ride again.
"Thanks for the ride," you say
"Of course, uh, maybe we could do it again sometime if you're not busy that is," he says. He blushed a little bit.
<time skip to the next day>
Once again, you were awoken by Rikki, but also, a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey it's Thomas, just wondering if you would like to go out with me on Saturday.

You: Oh, hey Thomas! I think I'm free Friday?

Thomas: Great!

You: Where are we going?

Thomas: That's for me to know, and you to find out. (;

You: ok... see you Saturday!

You couldn't believe it, you had just texted your celeb crush! And he asked you out! The gods are on your side. But what are you supposed to do until Saturday...

Work was pretty boring, nothing interesting happened, just the usual Zane fiasco and Curly and you talking about random rubbish. Until your boss came running out of his office as he had just won the lottery, twice.
"Guys you'll never believe it!" he said, panting
"Woah, slow down their racehorse," Curly said patting your boss's back lightly.
"What's up boss?" I ask
"My wife, she had the baby" you were surprised and happy for your boss all at once.
"Curly, could you take the late shift?" he asked
"Of course man, and, hey congratulations!" He was still patting your boss on the back.
"Congratulations, now go meet your new kid, ok," I say
He runs out of the bar with a smile on his face.

It was now Friday night, and you were excited about what tomorrow was going to bring. But you had so many questions. Where was Thomas taking you? What should you wear? What should you say? You decided to text your closest and oldest friend, Elly.

You: hey ell, wanna talk?

It took her a while to text back.

Elly Jelly Bean: Hey gurl! sure! why don't you come over, I'm too lazy to text.

You: Ok, be there in 10.

A/N hey guys, so the next chapter is going to be kind of short. What do you think will happen?

A Life Unplanned ( a Thomas Brodie-Sangster Fanfic imagine)Where stories live. Discover now