038 | rage

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'𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞' ══════════╝rage, rage against the dying of the light

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'𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞' ══════════╝
rage, rage against the dying of the light

━━ -ˋˏ★ˎˊ- ━━



Thhe lightspeed tunnel blurred past as they came closer to Starkiller Base. Han had yet to say much at all, which was troubling. General, smuggler, and everything in between, there weren't many things he had yet to conquer. He was reckless, but that might be exactly what they needed.  What the plan was had yet to be formally decided.

As soon as the question came out of Finn's mouth, Lyra knew it wasn't going to be pretty.

"How are we getting in?" Finn sat behind Chewie in the passenger seat right next to Lyra. He was tapping his foot, restless with nerves.

"Oh, you shouldn't have asked," Lyra said, busy tying her hair up in a fresh ponytail.  She could say she was in charge all she wanted, but Han was still the one flying the ship. "It's better to just let these things happen."

Han tried to ignore her, but she was sitting right behind him, so it was difficult. "Their shields have a fractional refresh rate. Keeps anything traveling slower than lightspeed from getting through."

The realization dawned on Finn, and he lurched forward with shock. "We're gonna make our landing approach at lightspeed?" He spoke so fast spit flew out of his mouth.

Chewie gave a roar of a laugh. There's only a fifty percent chance we'll be smashed on impact, was the gist of his statement.

"What did he just say?" Finn asked.

"He said it's going to be fine," Lyra lied.

Finn sat back down and looked out the window with fearful expectation. He was nervous, and he was trying to take control thinking that it was now his job to find Rey. He blamed himself, and that was what had inspired his adamant request to come with them.

"Alright. Chewie, get ready." Han looked down at the panel, watching carefully as the monitor flashed. "And...now!"

They pulled up on the thrusters, and the lightspeed tunnel melded into the form of a snowy mountain. Jagged rocks and the face of a steep cliff covered their field of vision.  They were about to smash into a million tiny pieces of space junk.

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