030 | homecoming

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━━ -ˋˏ★ˎˊ- ━━



Every direction coated with grit and abrasive dust.  Momentarily, he couldn't even remember his name. All he knew was that he had hit his head very, very hard, and now he was in a place baren and void of life.  He had woken up with his face in the sand, and sand did not taste good. It was under his nails and in the corners of his eyes as he stumbled, trying to keep his balance against the cold night wind.

Everything came rushing back. He was Poe Dameron. This was Jakku.  He had escaped the First Order with the help of Finn.


"Finn!" He called uselessly. His hoarse voice was met by nothing but the blinking of stars rising in the distance. They were taunting him, swimming with memories of a girl and a night that felt impossibly far away.

There was nothing but sand and the remains of cruisers from the old Empire rising in the reflected glow of the moon. No BeeBee, no Lyra, no Finn. He had no water, no coms, and no jacket. Base had no idea where he was, and he had no way to contact them. He had been thrown from the crash, so there was no chance of salvaging anything.

All he could do was start walking while the sun was still down.

When the sun came up, he tied his outer shirt on his head, desperate for anything to protect him from the sun. Luck would come, he knew it would. It had to. He couldn't let it end like this, wandering around helpless in the desert wasteland of Jakku. 

 What an embarrassing way to die.

At first, he thought he was hallucinating when he saw the little dot halfway between him and the horizon. Then, as he blinked, he realized it was a speeder. He didn't waste a second. He shrugged his shirt-hat off and waved it in the air, trying to get their attention.

"Hey!" He yelled, waving wildly. His dry throat making it hard to scream, but he still tried.

He didn't know who it was, and quite frankly, he didn't care. All he knew was the speeder had pivoted toward where he was standing. He was saved.

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