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'𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫' ═══════╝

━━ -ˋˏ★ˎˊ- ━━



In the end, Norra and Wedge had been driven out of their home.  First Order insurgents had come looking for the owners of the four Resistance ships parked in their front yard. They got them out before any damage was done, but Norra was bitter about not being able to return to her home. Wedge was ecstatic to be in Resistance company again, but none of his attitude had worn off on his wife.

As soon as Poe's canopy opened on Yavin IV, he was able to breathe a sigh of relief. His boots hit the muddy ground, and he was home.  It must have rained earlier because he could still smell the wet leaves.

A hard elbow knocked into his arm. "Move, flyboy," Jess said as she pushed past.

He tracked her line of sight until it landed on Reeve. The mechanic stood in front of them with a tool belt clipped to her waist and grease stains streaked on her pant legs. In an instant Jess launched herself onto her. Reeve's face split with a grin so wide with relief, she looked like she might cry.


He whipped around at his sister's voice. Her expression didn't match any of the enthusiasm that he felt in his chest. There was something about seeing Eleni that made him feel ten years old again.  He was so glad to be back he could kiss the ground. Almost. He hadn't quite reached that level of desperation.

"Norra? Wedge?" she asked immediately.

"Both here, one more willing than the other."  Nearby, other reunions were taking place. Leia had Norra's hands clasped in hers, clearly trying to reassure the woman that they had made the right choice in abandoning Akiva. The frown that was permanently etched onto Norra's face wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

He was still scanning the small crowd for Lyra when Eleni spoke again.

"Poe, there's no easy way to tell you this."

He put a hand on her shoulder. "If you've got bad news, can you save it for later? I've had enough of it for the day."

She screwed up her face like she had just eaten a lemon.  "Lyra's gone," she blurted.

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