Chapter 6: Moonlit Eyes

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Chapter 6: Moonlit Eyes

"What was that!!!!!!" Kailey shrieked when we got back to our room

"As I said, two can play that game" I smirked

Georgia's mouth dropped open "Soooooooo my best friend is a badass slut?" G said closing her mouth and straitening up

"I guess you can say that" I smirked.

"I still can't believe you did that!!!!" Kailey exclaimed after a while.

"Oh My God" I laughed. Kailey and Georgia joined in on my laughter and we fell backwards onto the couch.

After our laughing fit died down I decided to go and visit Star.

I changed into my light brown paddock boots, a green hoodie that said 'sup bro? and black breeches.

I left the dorm waving to Stella as i walked out the door.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so i pulled it out. OH GOD!!!!!! it was Isaac...

'No,' i thought 'ill open it after i ride

After what seemed like forever i finally got to the stable. I ran down the hallway towards Stars stall. I prayed that Mr.Davis wouldnt catch me.

"Oh S-Star!!' I sobbed yanking open her stall door and throwing my arms around her neck.

I stood there forr a moment then reached outside the stall door and grabbed her halter. i quickly put it on her and grabbed my helmet. as soon as we got out of the stable i hopped on Star then headed off to the woods at a full gallop.

i first felt the heat behind my eyes then the tears came again. Still at a gallop we entered the woods my phone buzzed again and i decided i should open the text from Isaac. I eased Star into a walk then finally stopped at a bend in the trail with a creek beside it. There were some rocks alongs the edge of the creek.

I tied Star up to a tree then sat on a rock and pulled out my phone. I opened the first text from Caleb.

Isaac- I like you... scratch that i like you alot. from the moment i first saw you, you left me speechless. ive never felt that way before until you came into my life. i would love it if you will give me a chance. will you go out with me

O. M. G!!!! he had just kissed her! That hag probably just wanted to make me jealous! so she kissed him!!!! i was soooooooooooo happy!!!!!! I then remembered the second message he sent, i opened that

Isaac- Um sorry.... wrong number that wasnt meant for you. how could i ever like someone like you! your ugly and... and..... i cant even find words to describe how horrible you are!

Wow that was harsh.I burst into tears, I jumped off the rock and onto Star. I thrust her into a blinding gallop. All you could hear were the sounds of me crying and the sound of Stars hooves pounding on the rock trail.

At that moment i though of what id do if i hurt Star. i pulled back on the lead line to slow star down. She obeyed me and slowed down to a walk. I leaned down and hugged Stars neck.

"Oh girl!" I whispered into her neck "I love you! I couldn't survive without you" I squeezed her neck harder

All of the sudden Star reared.
I began sliding off but I grabbed her mane just in time.

"Easy girl. Easy" I said in a calming voice. She reared agin then began running off

"Woah Star!" I yanked back on the lead line

She bucked causing me to almost fall off.

"Star stop!!!" I screamed

Star stopped running and just began bucking and rearing

Right above me I caught a light coloured thing in a tree.
Star stopped moving for a moment so I got a better look in the tree. It's eyes glittered in the moonlight.


I screamed.

The cougar hissed and readied to pounce.

"YA!!!" I kicked Star "LETS GO!!!"

She burst into a gallop. I glanced upwards and didn't se the cougar. I snuck a glance behind me and saw the cougar chasing us. It was getting closer by the second.

We were just about to a tight corner when I felt the cougars claws slice into my back.

I screamed and Star shrieked. The cougar was on Star's back, claws in my back. The pain was unbearable.

Star was still galloping down the trail as she turned the corner I saw a tree lying across the trail. The branches were broken off and looked like spears.
The cougars claws ripped off my helmet and jabbed into my head and I fell off Star bringing the cougar down with me. My vision went blurry for a second then came back into focus. The cougar was lying 5 feet away from me.

"W-Where's Star?!" I said aloud. Then I saw the blood. I saw my horses body at the fallen down tree. Her chest and neck had the spear like branches through them. I choked, and sobbed. I rolled onto my stomach burying my face into my arm.

A stick snapped and I looked up barely able to see through the tears in my eyes. The cougar was standing in front of me, teeth bared, hissing and ready to kill me. It's back legs crouched low and pushed off.
I buried my face back in my arm and waited for the creature to land on me but it never did. I looked up from my arm to see Star standing over me fighting with the cougar.

I saw the love Star had for me in her eyes, along with the fear and hatred of the cougar. I looked at my horse. You could see through her neck and chest. Her back was covered in scratches, punctures and blood.

The cougar fell onto the ground. Star jumped on the cougar lots of times, defiantly killing it.
I stood up screaming out in pain. Star turned around and looked me right in the eye. I kissed her nose the gently hugged her. Star wrapped her head around my body, as if she was hugging back.
"Thank you" I said to her. "I love you" I cried again. Star back away a step then dropped to her knees then onto her side.

"No!!!" I cried dropping beside her "no"

I laid down on top of her crying until no tears could come.
I moved to grab my phone (which surprisingly didn't break)and screamed out in pain. The edge of my vision started to go black, so I quickly dialled Mr. Davis

The phone rang twice before he picked up.

"Mr.Davis speaking." He said. "Who is this?"

"It's Meghan" I said barely recognizing my voice. "It's Star... shes....." I began. I couldn't bring myself to say she's dead.

"Meghan where are you?" he asked

"I..I..I don't k..Know" I said stuttering like crazy

"Are you okay?" he questioned.

I looked at Star then laid my head back onto her stomach. My vision was almost all black.

"Help" I said then blacked out.

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