Chapter 12: Shit Storm

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Chapter 12: Shit Storm

Jack turned off the freakin mustang!!! And unlocked the doors. I jumped out then pulled the seat up to let Correy and Sunie out. Jack turned on the alarm and locked the doors.
We were laughing at some fat dude who had neon pink eyebrows and blue green and yellow hair carrying a bunch of bags from Walmart full of chips
I saw some doritos. I put up my hood. Looked around and saw no one then ran up, punched him, then stole the Doritos and ran. He fell down by the time he got up. We were all hiding behind the shopping carts. I stifled a laugh along with everyone else. His eyes were wide and... HOLY SHIT!!! HE PISSED HIS FRICKING PANTS!!!! Haha oh god

"He *laugh* p-p-peed *laugh*
pants *laugh*" I laughed out

He got in his little rusted car and drove off quickly
We walked out from behind the shopping carts and I opened my Doritos and stuffed like 20 in my mouth
"Mmmmm so good!" I exclaimed
Everyone grabbed a handful. By the time they finished their handful. I finished the bag.
"Shit. That girl can eat!" Correy mumbled.
We then walked into the mall.
We went to the arcade, shopped, acted like idiots, and Sunie and Correy almost got kicked out of the mall for kicking this guy in the balls (Sunie) and threatened (Correy) when he flirted with Sunie even though Correy acted like he was her boyfriend. It was funny. I was holding onto jack for support because I was laughing so hard. Jack was just lookin between me and Sunie and Correy with a humorous look on his face. We were getting A LOT of stares. After that we decided it was time for lunch. Correy and Jack led us to a pizza place.
"Ugh I'm so hungry!" Sunie said as jacks stomach grumbled.
"So am I!" Correy exclaimed holding his stomach like there was a baby in him.
Jack bought the pizza, Ham and Pineapple, and we sat down at a booth jack slid in beside and Sunie and Correy on the other side.
"I'm having a lot of fun. You guys?" I asked everyone with a genuine smile.
"Ya!" Sunie said taking a bite of pizza.
"Me too. You girls are actually a lot of fun" Jack said putting his forearm on the table
"Yep" Correy agreed
"Hey!" Sunie and I both said at the same time. I whacked jacks shoulder and Sunie elbowed Correy. They laughed then all the sudden jacks stopped and his eyes hardened and clenched his jaw. He looked murderous. Correy turned and looked behind him and did the same. Sunie and I gave each other a confused look. I shook jacks arm and he peeled his eyes away from whatever he was looking at. His yes softened a bit.
"Meghan" his voice quiet as he looked at me then Correy. Correy nodded and jack started talking "we have done things.... Bad things and there are people who want Correy and I for stuff are parents have done and... Puce probably read books like that." I nodded and he continued "I won't explain all but, open this" he pulled an envelope out of his pocket "if we ever go missing and don't respond to any texts or calls or anything thing for 48 hours or if we get hurt bad from people." Jack finished handing me the envelope.
"Jack, Correy what going on" Sunie asked with a bit of fear in her eyes.
"We need to go" Correy said getting up and grabbing Sunie's arm. Jack got up and grabbed my arm. I got up willingly and grabbed my purse and stuffed the envelope in it.
"Jack I'm scared" I said
"Don't be" he replied
"But..." I started but corrects glare shut me up. Sunie looked like she saw a ghost. We were almost to the door when a man help his hand out 20 meters in front of is in a stop motion. Jack pushed me behind him and Correy do the same to Sunie. I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me. Gunshots rang through the mall. Jack and Corey dropped to the ground. I screamed. And Sunie jumped And dropped beside Correy who was laying on the ground blood pooling around his shoulder, sobbing. I slowly dropped to the ground beside jack who was shot in the stomach.
'His poor abs' I thought 'this is not a time to be thinkin about that!' I scolded myself.
Jacks hand reached into his pocket.
"Take these and run, go back to school and read the note" he said handing me the keys to his mustang and Correy's corvette. "And take this. There's something in there for you and Sunie" he handed me his wallet. "Go!" Correy pushing the sobbing Sunie away. I gave jack a quick kiss on the cheek then grabbed Sunie's arm pulling her away
"Be caaaa... He faded out, unconscious now.
"Be careful" jack said before we ran off.
I dragged Sunie out the mall and pushed her into the oh so gorgeous mustang. I jumped into the drivers seat and started the car. Ooh the sound of that engine. Wait i don't have my 'N' yet I can't drive by myself. Whatever. I pulled out of the parking lot and began the drive back to RedBridge. I pulled over on the side of the road. I decided to look in jacks wallet. Very first thing I pulled out was.... My drivers license! What! I read it. I was apparently 21 instead of 16. Awesome!
"What's that?" Sunie asked
"My drivers license?" I said as I it was a question.
I looked in his wallet again. "And here's yours!" I handed it to her. Sunie was also apparently 21.
"Awesome! I CAN DRIVE THE CORVETTE!!!" Sunie danced in her seat
"Ya but.... Jack and Correy have been shot by who knows who and they warned us of something and gave us stuff and what was that whole 'be careful' thing" I let out a shaky breath.
"I know" she whispered her eyes watering
I took a deep breath and took the Mustang out of neutral and pulled back onto the road continuing our way back to school.
30 minutes later I was driving up the long dirt driveway. I pulled into the spot next to Correy's corvette. I turned off the ignition and got out of the beautiful black mustang Sunie following suit. Did I mention it was a mustang? I love those cars! I locked the door and started walking quickly to my dorm. Sunie had to jog to keep up with my long stride.
"Geesh Stark. What's the hurry?" Sunie asked
"Well Grant. I want to read what is in this note" I held up the envelope then put it back in my purse. I then remembered that my phone has been turned off. I grabbed my iPhone and turned it on. All I had was a bunch of Instagram notifications and some snapchats. I checked the time. 5:14.
"Why did I even check the time?" I mumbled to myself apparently louder than I thought because Sunie replied with an "I don't know"
The walk up to my dorm was quick and a silence because we were both deep in thought. As we were walking up the stairs. I dug around my purse looking for my keys. When we got to the door it was wide open. I walked inside to see Kailey and Georgia with boxes surrounding them.
"What's up" I gestured to the boxes
"I'm moving out and Sunie's moving in" Kailey replied dryly
I stopped myself from giving Sunie a high five an luckily she didn't suggest it. All Sunie did was smirk and look at me.
"Why?" Was the simple question I asked Kailey
"Because I don't like how you changed I want the Meghan back who goes to her classes and don't even try to tell me you didn't skip today with the schools bad boys "she pointed at me when I opened my mouth to argue "I want the old Meghan back. I want my best friend back!"
"That is it!" I spat out "you don't have the right to say that. You won't get your 'best friend' back because this is the new me and if you don't like it you can go fuck yourself!" My voice was deadly and I could tell Kailey was not expecting that.
"No. I'll go fuck Isaac" she smirked thinking that I would blow up at that.
"Hah" I scoffed "have fun with that. Now can you get the fuck out?" I asked oh so politely.
"Ugh" she screamed out as she grabbed her purse and threw. Yes. Literally whipped the key at Sunie. It hit her the pointy part cutting her cheek.
"Kailey!" Georgia gasped she was not one for violence.
That's it" I charged at Kailey causing her to scream an try and get away. I punched her in the stomach and she fell to the ground. she tried to cover her face but I punched her again. This time blood running out her nose. Yup I definitely broke it.
"You crazy bitch!" She screamed. "I just got my nose done!"
I went in for another punch but Sunie pulled me off her.
"Meghan stop!" Sunie demanded and I slowly calmed down.
"Leave" she calmly said to Georgia who dragged the crying Kailey out with her.
"Your stuff is in here" Georgia said before she left slamming the door behind her.
" I didn't know Georgia was you roommate" I said
"That's what you say after you fricking killed it!" Sunie beamed highfiving me "how did you learn to fight like that?"
I dropped onto the couch and put my feet up. Sunie pushed my legs off and sat beside me.
"My uncle taught me and he was a professional MMA fighter. I trained with him for years because I wanted to know self defence for when I need it."
"Awesome! I gotta learn how to fight." Sunie smiled
I just laughed. I rifled through my purse until I found the envelope. I looked at it.
"Are you gonna open that. Meg are you gonna ya know open it. Earth to Meghan! Open it!" Sunie jumped impatiently.
"Geez lady, chill" I said opening the envelope carefully. I took the papers out. Two passports and a debit and a credit card fell out. I picked them out of my lap. I opened the first passport i grabbed and opened it. Sunie leaned closer and read it with me.
"Is that...." Sunie trailed off
"Yep" I replied " it's your passport but.... Updated"
It had Sunie's picture but different information. Her name was Blake O'Ryan and she was 21.
I opened the other one to find my picture with the name. Kaelan Hale and I was also 21.
"Holy shit" Sunie said with wide eyes
"Holy shit is right. Now let's read this."
I opened up the folded papers. There was like 30 freaking hand written pages written in the tiniest writing.... Ever...
"This is like a fucking 30 page essay!" Grumbled sunie causing me to laugh.
"Now let's read this thing!" I started reading.
"I need a damn magnifying glass to be able to read this." Sunie grumbled again.
I just shook my head and chuckled to myself 20 minutes later we were finally done.
"Oh my"
"God" I finished
So basically jack and Correy were in a gang and their parents were the leaders and wanted them to take the role but they refused so the sent people out to get them. Not like kill get them but like kidnap them. But then the joined a gang that kinda like fast and furious now that I think about it. But ya. They have a bunch of cars and like do street and drag racing and all this crazy stuff. But at the end there was an address apparently to some guy who will teach us the basics. And tell us what to do to get them back. Ya they kinda are just expecting that we will go out on a hunt for them. Which is true but still.
"Woah" Sunie said when we finished
"Ya woah" I said in reply.
"Well what are we waiting for. Let's go get them back!" Sunie stood a megawatt smile on her face.
I stood up "let's go!"

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