Chapter 11: Mustang Is Love Mustang Is Life

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The Mustang^^^

Chapter 11: Mustang Is Love, Mustang Is Life

The sun was shining brightly in my eyes waking me up from my wonderful sleep. I shoved my pillow over my head letting out a groan. SHIT! I totally forgot i had to go to school. I shot up flailing around in my blankets and sheets ending up on the floor.
"Fuck my life" I sat back up and looked at my clock 7:53. Class starts at 8:20. I stood up and stretched. I shuffled over to my closer where I grabbed some ultra skinny ripped light wash jeans and a black tank top with a skull on it. I grabbed some 5" black stilettos with little golden spikes on the heels. I put on some gold bangles and finished the look with some makeup, straightened my hair and made sure my part was even. I checked the time, 8:15. I opened the cupboards in our mini kitchen and found some granola bars. I grabbed two opening and eating one right away. I threw the other one into my black Gucci bag and grabbed some Doritos and a jones because I literally can't live without Doritos, Jones and Marshmallows. I took one last look in the mirror.
"I'm forgetting something...." I stared at my reflection. "Oh ya" I smiled and walked into my room and dug through my dresser drawers until I found them. My cigarettes. I put them into my bag and walked out the door.
I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and checked the caller ID. Whore McSluthead. That's Sunie. I answered
"Hey girly." I said happily.
"Hey are you going to class today?" She asked
"Ya.. I really don't want to"
"Haha same! Wanna skip?"
"Do you even have to ask?" I smirked through the phone
" Haha true. Meet me outside the caf?" She asked.
"Yuppers! I'll be there in like 2 minutes"
"Okay see ya then!" Sunie said
I hung up and made my way to the caf.
Three minutes later Sunie and I were making our way to the spot where I met Jack, Correy and the twins, Mark and Max. Sunie was the only one who actually is accepting my change and changing with me. After I hung up with Sunie I texted Jack and Correy asking if they wanted to meet us at "the pit"(that's what we call the spot in the forest) they agreed.

"So where are we going?" Sunie asked me.
"We're gonna meet Jack and Correy at the pit." I told her
"Oooh! Are they hot? What's the pit?" She questioned excitedly.
I laughed "They are reeeeaaaaallllllly hot, like, Zac Efron hot"
"Damn! They must be like sexy beasts!"
We laughed.
I walked I to the bush and Sunie followed. I walked around the hole of empty alcohol cans and bottles an sat down on one of the logs surrounding it. Sunie sat down beside me. I pulled out my pack of smokes and offered one to Sunie.
"Want one!" I asked her. She hesitated a second before grabbing one out of the pack. I fished around my bag for my lighter. I got it and lit my cigarette then handed to Sunie who lit hers.
A stick snapped letting me know that Correy and Jack were here. Shortly after that stick snapping, Correy and jack emerged from the bush.
"Hey guys!" I got up and hugged each of them. I then planted a kiss on jacks cheek.
"This is my friend Sunie."
"Hey. I'm Correy" jack said head supping her.
"And I'm Jack" Correy said.
"What the fuck! Your Jack and your Correy!" I exclaimed pointing at them when I said their names.
They both laughed. "Your right. I'm actually Jack" jack said to Sunie.
"And I'm actually Correy" Correy exclaimed smirking at me.
"Nice to meet you guys." Sunie smiled flipping her long dark hair over her shoulder clearing being flirty.
"So when did you meet them?" Sunie asked me
"Yesterday I just kinda walked into the bush and found them here." I shrugged
"And we're glad" jack said hugging me from behind retain his chin on my shoulder. I looked at him and he winked
I decided to play along. I reached up and wrapped my arms around jacks neck. I smiled and he smiled back. I bit my lip trying to hold back my laughter. I could tell jack was trying to do the same.
"Umm... Are we missing something here?" Sunie asked
Correy was just standing there eyes as big as saucers and his jaw practically touching the ground.
I let my arms down and walked over to Correy. "Close your mouth honey. You don't wanna catch flies." I used my pointer finger and pushed his jaw back up. Damn his jawline😍
I burst out laughing followed by jack. Correy and Sunie stood there with a look of confusion over their faces.
"Y-you s-shoulda seen y-y-your faces!!" Jack said in between laughs. I clutched my stomach and doubled over.
"That was priceless!" I laughed out.
"Wait so.. You aren't together?" Sunie questioned
"Oh god no!" I said still laughing
10 minutes later Jack and I were still laughing as we walked out of the forest.
"Okay guys you can shut the fuck up now!" Sunie put her hand on her hip.
We both stopped laughing and continued walking. I burst out laughing again bending over and clutching my stomach. Jack joined in followed by Correy then Sunie.
"You guys wanna go into town?" Jack asked once we calmed down.
"Ya im in." Sunie said looking towards me.
"Same here. But how are we gonna get there? I don't have my 'N' yet. I only just get my L" I stated
"Jack and I did some lesson things so that we could get our N's at 16 1/2." Correy said. "I'm getting mine next month"
"Okay awesome. Let me just run back to my dorm and change out of these clothes." I gestured down my body.
"You look sexy enough" jack declared his blue eyes scanning up and down my body.
"Done eye raping yet?" Sunie acted annoyed but she was slightly smirking.
"Nope" Jack smirked.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed sunies arm "meet us in the Parking lot in 15!" I yelled to them over my shoulder.
We then ran off giggling all the way there.
10 minutes later we were walking out the door. I grabbed the door handle when a voice stopped me.
"Meghan?" The dorm monitor asked. "Why aren't you in class?"
"Because I have more important things to do" I replied in a 'duh' tone.
"Like what?" Stella asked growing impatient.
"Going to visit my aunt who is on the hospital. She has cancer." I said a tear dropping from my eye.
"Oh Meghan I'm sorry" Stella said giving me a hug. "Go" she said ushering me out the door.
I walked out and Sunie followed.
"That was the best actin I have ever seen!" Sunie fangirled jumping up and down. "The aunt story and the crying! Brilliant! Ten outta ten!!"
I laughed. We walked into the parking lot exactly on time. I looked around and spotted jack and Correy by a white car.
"There" I said pointing to them
We began walking over.
"This is a white 2016 mustang cobra. Only the best car ever!" I shrieked
"I'm sorry to wreck your moment but... That's my car." Jack pointed to a rusted price of junk beside it.
A horrified look spread onto my face. "What! Can we just 'borrow' the mustang?"
"Holy mother of fuckers." Sunie exclaimed admiring the black 1982 corvette. Ya I know cars. My next favourite thing compared to horses is cars #dontjudge.
"Ladies, ladies" Correy said dragging his hands from his head to his hips in a 'calming' matter "The corvette is mine and the mustang is Jack's." He smirked
"Oh thank god!" I let out a breath
"Now get in the car and let's go." Jack said digging his keys from his pocket. He unlocked the mustang.
"SHOTGUN!" Sunie and I yelled at the same time
"DIBS!" We yelled again
"I get the front" I crossed my arms.
"No... I do". Sunie crossed her arms and took a step closer.
"No I do" I stepped closer
"No I do" she stepped closer
"No you don't" I said stepping even closer
"Yes you do" she gasped in realization of what she just said.
"Ha!" I skipped to the passenger side of the car.
Jack and Correy shared a look and chuckled.
Sunie and Correy came to my side to get in. I just have them and innocent look and pushed the seat back and got in. Jack rolled the windows down and I untied my black hair from my ponytail and rested my arm on the door. Jack skillfully backed out and drove out the long dirt driveway. I looked back at Sunie and Correy and smiled. They smiled back. Jack reached over and grabbed an auxiliary cord from the glove box and plugged it in. He hades the other end to Correy who plugged in his phone and started playing 'Ass by: Big Sean and Nikki Minaj'. We turned onto the road and began the 1 hour journey to town. Which doesn't really deserved to be called town as it is New York. We talked, belted out songs, got a lot of stares, and laughed the whole way.
Jack, Correy and Sunie were deep into a conversation about who's taller. Jack is 6'4", Correy is 6'2" and Sunie is 5'6". Sunie is trying to tell them that she's the tallest and the better looking and the most badass. I don't think she could beat them in any of them. After all jack and Correy are the popular badboys of the school. Known for... Well... Bad boy stuff.

Well there we have it the next chapter! Ta da! I have been having the worst writers block in the history of writers blocks. Anyways. Please share with you friends also follow. Comment suggestions, just random shit, just comment to say you like my book. Really anything. Also do the thing with the star. (See my writers block is that bad I can't remember what that thing is called...) anyways ya... If you would be so kind to check out some of my friends work or just follow them and stuff. Do dat. JacquelineHodge luvthehorselife Book_Music_7 nightchanges1_d heaather17 cheeseluver1 NIBBLES1  I probably forgot some....
Peace out bros!✌️

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