Chapter 10: Meeting The Badboys

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*Drugs, Swearing and Alcohol in this chapter and most of them from now on. Stop reading this if you cant deal with it. You have been warned.* Jack^^^

Chapter 10: Meeting The Badboys

I woke up to my phone ringing an annoying as fuck ringtone. I reached into my back pocket pulling out my iphone 6 and answering the call 'How dare someone interrupt my sleep'

"What do you want?" I growled sleepily into the phone.

"Why didn't you call me?!" my mother snapped from the other line

"I forgot and fell asleep" I grumbled flipping from my stomach to my back.

"Well I've been worried!" she softened her voice

"Cool" was all I said.

She grunted "I'll call you later" then she hung up.

I threw my phone to the opposite side of my bed and sat up 'now I can't fucking sleep'. I slid my legs off the side of my bed and stood up stretching.

I walked into the living room and plopped down in front of all the movies I scanned my finger along all of them until I found one that I wanted to watch. Mean girls. I pulled it out and put it in the DVD player. I walked over to the kitchen and opened the mini fridge. I grabbed a Peach Mango sparkling water from the fridge and I bag of Doritos from the cupboard.... and a bag of marshmallows (I love those things) I plopped back down onto the couch and pressed play. Once the credits rolled I turned off the TV and grabbed my shoes and dark brown leather jacket. It was around 1:30. I walked out the door, down the stairs and finally out the door. The cool fall breeze swirled around me as I hugged my arms around me closing my jacket in the process . I was walking on the path heading towards the little bakery on campus. With my black vans slapping down on the sidewalk I made my way towards the bakery. I really needed a caramel steamed milk right now. I began to walk up the front steps when I noticed some people out the back probably 200 meters away from the shop walking into the forest. Curiosity got the best of me and I followed them, As I entered the forest I shivered. The people I followed were right in front of me smoking something. I ducked behind a bush. They had a couple logs to sit on and a pit filled with empty beer bottles and other alcoholic drinks. There was probably 5 or 6 of them.

"Marijuana" I whispered under my breath. They started laughing at something a brown spiked haired boy said. I stood up slowly moving closer so I could hear what they were talking about. Making my way the some bushes closer to them I tripped and fell right on my face scraping my upper arms.

"Fuck!" I yelled before I realized they would be able to hear me. I stood up wiping my hands on my jeans and stepping out from behind the bush. They were all staring at me. I smile sheepishly.

I walked towards them smiling, showing that I'm not going to rat them out. They just stared back at me with bewildered looks on their faces. "I'm Meghan" I said standing in front of them.

The brown spiked haired boy replied "I'm Correy" he smiled totally checking me out. He was hot, no denying that.

"Hey babe. I'm Jack" Another brown haired guy winked at me. I smirked and gave him a flirty laugh. He was even hotter than Correy.

A frosted haired guy then spoke "Dylan. Dylan O'Connell" he had the best eyes I have ever seen. They were a bluey Grey purpley color.... I have no idea how to explain that.

The other two people had gone back to smoking. I looked at them. Both blond haired and looked like twins. "That's Mark and Max. they're twins" Jack said sending another playful wink my way. Oooooh he's a total fuckboy!

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