Chapter 9: Change Can Be Good... In Some Cases

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Chapter 9: Change Can Be Good... In Some Cases

Meghan's POV

It's been 1 week since I've been let out of the hospital. instead of going back to RedBridge, my parents brought me back to the house for the week... That week ends tomorrow. I stare up at the ceiling my mind absolutely blank. I try to focus on going back to RedBridge but my mind won't focus. All week I've been laying in my bed, being all depressed. I can't sleep. I barely eat and I won't talk to anyone. My friends and some people who I don't really know from RedBridge have been calling and texting asking how I was doing. I won't reply or talk to any if them. G and Kailey have been calling at least five times a day. My head starts to pound and I see visions of my accident. I squeeze my eyes tightly. I scream a blood curdling scream and tears threaten to fall. My door slams open.

"Shhh, shhh Meghan calm down I'm right here." my moms calm voice speaks.

My screaming stops and I start to cry. "Why did this happen to me!" I say between sobs.

"Honey. This will all work out in the end." Her voice calming me down even more.

I wipe my cheeks. "Where's my phone?" I ask

My mom looks puzzled. "Actually no where's my laptop?"

She finally clues in to what I'm saying. "They're downstairs. I'll go grab them." Mom says bolting out the door and noisily running down the stairs.

I'm doing it. I'm finally going to talk to Kailey and Georgia. I'm gonna skype them so I can see them. I crawl out of bed and walk over to my bathroom. I grab a facecloth and wash my face. I have horrible bags under my eyes, My hair looks like a rats nest, let's not even mention my face. 😖 I grab my hairbrush and start to tackle all the tangles in my hair.

"Meghan?" I heard my moms voice come from the door.

"I'm in my bathroom!" I yell out to her. She walks on in.

"I have your phone and laptop!" She exclaims happily.

I force a smile which consists of the corners of my mouth slowly creeping up the tiniest bit ever. It's been since the accident since I've smiled. So 4 and a half weeks. But two and a half of those I was in a coma. With that smile my mom's smile deepens and her mouth looked like it was about to fall off.

"Could you just put them on my bed? Please?" I asked pointing towards my bed.

"Yep!" She exclaimed loudly then placed them on my bed then walked out of my bedroom closing the door behind her.

It took 18 minutes to get the tangles out of my hair. I'm not kidding... then I grabbed my laptop and opened it. I plopped down in the floor with a pillow.

I stared at the black, empty screen for 2 minutes before I turned on my computer. I opened skype and quickly noticed that Kailey, Georgia, Sunie and Chrissy were online. I paused. I almost screamed again. Isaac was online... I almost slammed my laptop shut but at last second didn't. I needed to talk to them.

I decided to talk to Kailey and Georgia. I made a convo and video chatted them before I could chicken out. It rang for 5 seconds before I moved my mouse over to the end call button. When I was about to press it Kailey answered followed by Georgia.

We all started at our screens for a while until I spoke up.

"Hi?" I said it like a question

"Hi!" They replied simultaneously, faces braking into a goofy grin. That caused me to smirk.

"So? What's new?" I asked

"I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" Georgia freaked out jumping up and down

"OH. MY. GOD!!!!!!! I screamed smiling a huge smile. It felt weird to smile again.

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