Chapter 14- Scarred for Life

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Chapter 14- Scarred for Life

I pulled into a smooth stop in Jacks regular spot in front of the school and turned off the car. Blake jumped out the car and started running towards the school.
"Where are you going!" I yelled after her.
"I gotta go see Max!" She yelled back before turning the corner.
'Well that's just great' I thought locking the mustang. I threw my bag over my shoulder accidentally tossing the ID badge onto the ground.
"Shit" I mumble and began to turn around "Fuck" I brought my hand up to my nose. I had just ran into something. I tilted my head up to look at what I ran into, but that caused me to hit the top of my head "oh my fuck can anything go right today!" That's when I heard a chuckle and realized that thing I ran into was a person. A very hot person at that.
'Oh damn' I thought
He had light brown, dirty blonde hair that looked just like Shawn Mendes.  His eyes were half green half blue and even in his bent over position I could tell he was tall. He was wearing a black T-shirt with a blue and grey plaid over top. His pants were low but not too low. That sounds so weird but anyways..... Overall he was HOT. Woah hold up there Meghan okay stop staring
'But it's so hard not to stare'
"Okay shut up" I scolded my inner voice.
"But I didn't say anything" the guy said with a smirk and a slight chuckle.
OMG that smirk and that laugh, aaahhhhh😱😱😱😏
"Oh I wasn't talking to you I was talking to my inner voice. It was telling me that yo...." I paused realizing how crazy I sounded "Oh my god I sound like a freaking lunatic. I don't mean it like that well I was kinda but no.... I'm just gonna shut up now" I trailed off awkwardly. I brought my hand up and awkwardly scratched the back of my neck looking around, anywhere except that oh so fine guy in front of me. I usually wasn't like this. I'm the fucking flirting queen. What's wrong with me today.
He laughed and smiled widely showing straight white teeth.
"Geesh, he must do tooth paste commercials" I thought.
He laughed even harder "I *laugh* don't."
My eyes widened "Oh my god did I seriously just say that out loud"
"Yup" he nodded "I'm Colton by the way"
I just nodded. Colton. Hot name for such a hot guy. Okay hold it together Meghan. Act natural.
"I'm Meghan. It's nice to meet you" I stood up realizing that I was still kneeling on the ground.
"Well I'm new here. Do you think you could show me where the dorm 'Haleo"( pronounced hay-lee-o) is? As long as your not busy." Colton asked me politely.
"I'm not. Haleo is actually right beside my dorm." I smiled stuffing the ID card that I somehow managed to grab into my bag that surprisingly didn't spill everywhere. "Follow me"
"Soooo" I began "where are you from?"
"I'm from Canada actually" he smiled looking a bit 'lost' for a moment as he thought about home.
"Really! I've always wanted to go there. It looks gorgeous in all the photos" I exclaimed
"Ya. I guess I've never really thought about it." Colton smiled at me making my heart flutter. Wait what! Flutter... really what am I thinking I just met this guy. Ya he's hot and seems to be nice and all but I don't even know him.
We continued to talk about random stuff before we finally reached his dorm.
"This is your stop" I gestured towards to stairs that led up to Haleo like I was one of those people who shows the prizes in game shows.
"Thanks so much." He smiled that amazing smile. "Could I get your number?"
"Of course" I said a bit to excitedly but who cares. I pulled out my sleek silver Iphone and handed him my phone already on the 'add a new contact' thing. He handed me his iPhone and I punched in my number and waited until he finished adding himself to my phone. I turned it over and looked at the black case. It was one of the cases that had a lighter built in. Hmm I guess he smokes. On the case he had a couple emoji stickers. He had the poo, the number 9, the flexing arm and the smirky face.
"I like your case" he said making me look up from his phone. My case was black and said in big white letters 'IDGAF'
"Thanks I smiled taking my phone from his outstretched hand and replacing it with his.
"Well I gotta go but I hope to see you around" I flashed him a smile.
He smiled back "Ya me too. See ya later" I waved and walked away heading back to my dorm.
I walked the through the front doors and quickly walked into the kitchen area to grab some pop. A dr.pepper for Me and a ginger ale for Blake. As I was walking out I noticed some chocolate bars and a box of triscut crackers. I grabbed 2 coffee crisp, 1 aero an 3 mats bars and the crackers. I shove the chocolate into my bag and held the crackers under my arm an the pops in my hand. I took the steps up the stairs two at a time. I reached the room then realized I have to put everything down then search through my bag for my damn keys. Ugh. It took my FIVE FREAKING MINUTES!!!! to find my keys in my bag of never ending stuff. I found my wallet which I had been looking for, My math textbook which I lost 2 weeks ago, a bunch of crumpled paper, wrappers and a bunch of makeup that had gone missing. I played the keys beside my bag an started stuffing everything back into it. Finally I was able to stuff everything back in my bag. I reached beside me to grab my keys. But I missed them, I kept moving my hands around looking for my key. I finally turned around to look and they weren't there. Oh my god. Did I seriously put them back in my bag. I'm a freaking idiot. I clenched my jaw and rolled my eyes opening my bag once again. Luckily I found them right away because the were basically on top of everything. I unlocked the for and picked up the food. As I walked in the door I hear a noise.
'Blake must be back' I thought closing the door with my foot. I then saw a sight that killed my appetite and scarred me for life. Ya Blake was here but she wasn't alone. Max was also here. Ya, you get the picture. Never leave Blake and her boyfriend alone in a room.
"Ew ew ew ew ew!" I shrieked dropping the drinks to the ground an covering my eyes.
Blake gasped and all sounds stopped. I peeked through my fingers then slowly removed them. The were covered now. Thank the gods!
"You scarred me for life!" I shook violently trying to shake what i just saw from mind. "And really the couch. You couldn't have gone to your room where there is a door so roommates wouldn't walk into that and again the couch people sit there! Now I gotta buy a new freaking couch." I mumbled the last part picking up the drinks. I let my bag drop to the floor and grabbed the crackers, chocolate and pop and put them in the counter.
"Now go and get some damn clothes on, and shower and erase my memory."
15 minutes later both of them were out of the shower. I stood in the living room for 15 minutes eating all the food and taking des gusted glances at the once comfy couch. The both walked out hand in hand into the living room, where Max put his shoes on and gave Blake a quick kiss before leaving.
"I'm just gonna go die of embarrassment" Blake said turning on her heel.
"No your gonna go replace the couch." I stated
Blake groaned
"Then maybe you shouldn't have fucked on our beautiful couch." To be honest I hate this couch it's so ugly and looks ill it's from the 1970's, so I'm glad I have a reason to get a new one.
"Okay fine let's go" Blake shoved some black pumps, to go with her black pants and green tank top, onto her feet.
"One sec." I said running to my room to grab a black purse with gold studs. I scrambled through my bag and grabbed my dorm keys, wallet, ID, cigarettes and lighter and Jacks mustangs keys. I'm just gonna call it my mustang from now on. I threw the purse over my shoulder and walked out to Blake. I scowled at her then looked at the couch.
"Lets go." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door. We got to the car and I turned it on and backed out and began our journey to find a place where I could buy a couch.
"Wait. How the fuck are we gonna fit a couch in a mustang?" Blake questioned with one eyebrows raised.
"Remember, on the note the boys said to go to Daunte and he'll show us were all their cars and trucks are."
"Oh ya. So to back to Dauntes!" She said in a hilarious voice causing is both to laugh.
We finally got there and let ourselves in, that's what's Daunte told us to do and I quote "don't you get knock on this door again or I'll have to... do something bad to teach you girls a lesson, you just walk right in. This is like your other home. Capiche" i smiled at the memory. He was so serious but when he tried to think of the consequences his face scrunched up and he made weird faces.
Blake pressed a button to send a message over the PA system thing.
"Daunte, it's Blake and Kaelan. We need some help." Right away we got a reply from Daunte saying he'll be right down and that he'll meet us in the kitchen. Luckily we were able to find the kitchen and Daunte came down soon after.
"So girls what do you need" he asked
"The boys told us that they had a bunch of cars and trucks and stuff and we really need a truck right now. They told us that you would show us." I explained
"Oh alrighty. Follow me"
He walked over to a door to the left of the kitchen and opened it using his ID badge.
"This is their garage" he said. Only them and me can open it currently. Do you girls have you badges with you?" Daunte asked us.
We both nodded and handed then to him.
"These are the keys" he pointed to a board with nails that ha a hunch of keys hanging off them. Each key had a car/truck model and year and above it. There were about 30 sets of keys.
"How in the world do two teenage boys get so many nice expensive cars?" Blake asked in awe.
"I have no idea"
"Well I'm gonna go program it so that you two can enter this area. I'll be right back. Call me if you need anything for the 2 minutes I'm gone." Daunte told us before leaving the garage.
"Okay which truck?" I sai leading Blake over to the 7 trucks that were all lined up and shiny.
"That one" we said at the same time pointing to a jacked up matte black Ram 15 we ran over to the board and found the trucks keys. I handed them over to Blake.
"You can drive"
"Okay girls you ID is programmed in, now you can come get a car or truck anytime you want." Daunte handed us each back our badges.
"Thanks Daunte" we said simultaneously
His phone started ringing "Excuse me. Have fun girls" he waved then answered his phone. "Johnny my man, long time no talk!"
I grinned. Like the stiles grin from teen wolf in that episode with coach when they were on the bus. (Shoutout to you TW peeps) an Blake grinned right back at me. Then we ran to the truck. I hopped into the passengers seat and Blake jumped onto the drivers seat. She started up the truck and revved it up.
"Ye baby!" She fist bumped the air before opening one of the many the garage doors and drove the truck out and onto the road.
Time to finally go get a couch.

Heeyyyyy sorry I haven't written in forever and again I have been suuuuuuuppppeer busy. I hope you all like. I'm hoping to update again soon, so it can be like a Christmas present. I'm so excited about Christmas. Obviously this is unedited. I hope you enjoy!


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