Chapter 16- Not Again

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Chapter 16: Not Again

I woke up with a feeling that something bad is going to happen today. I got ready for school still not able to shake this feeling off. I walked I to Blake's room only to find that she wasn't there
'Shes probably with Max' I thought slipping on my shoes. I did my makeup natural today and left my hair naturally curly. I opened the door to leave only to realize what I was wearing.
"Wow" I said aloud looking at my outfit. I was wearing a pair of jeans. INSIDE OUT. And a ugly green and red Christmas sweater. BACKWARDS. And I wore one black van and one silver flat. Wow. I ran back into my room and turned my skinny jeans the right way and took off my Christmas sweater and replied it with a tight, small black crop top. It cut down quite low and really showcased my boobs not leaving much to the imagination. I slipped on a pair of all black converse grabbed my purse then made my way to the cafeteria to get breakfast. On my way to the cafeteria I played music blocking out the sounds of the birds singing like who the actual fuck likes the sounds of birds making a chirp chirp or squawk sound. It's annoying as hell. I finally got to the cafeteria and stood in line. And guess who was in front of me. That's right fucking Isaac Kingman. He turned around probably looking for his little girlfriend, Abby fucking Chandrel. Wow I'm in a pissy mood today. Probably because of this stupid feeling and because if the horrible outfit I wore this morning. I shivered just thinking about it.
"Oh, hey Meghan. I haven't seen you in a while" I heard Isaac say.
Oh wait my name is Meghan. I've gotten so used to being called Kaelan or Hale, I've totally forgotten about my real name.
"Ya I've been really busy" I said plastering a totally fake smile on my face.
"Really. You haven't been in class for this whole week." He stated. It's only Wednesday so I've only missed three days.
"Ya. I haven't wanted to go" I stated simply shrugging my shoulders.
"Baby!" I heard a girl screech and come running towards me. She then ran into Isaac and kissed him. He kissed her back for a moment before he pulled away wiping his mouth.
Ha that's what you gets bitch. He wipes his damn mouth. I laughed internally but externally I only smirked.
"Oh hi Marsha" Abby said purposely messing up my name.
I rolled my eyes "Hello Abigail" I put emphasis on the name Abigail. Abby hates being called that. I heard gasps from around the cafeteria at the fact that I called the stupid ass queen bitch by her full name. Everything went silent and all eyes were on us. I had never heard a cafeteria this silent. There we no whispers, no forks scraping plates, I didn't even hear any breathing.
"You didn't" Abby seethed
"I did do I need to say it again, Abigail?" I asked her with a smirk.
"You bitch" she clenched her jaw in anger.
"No sweetie. That's you." I said as if I were talking to a young child.
"Baby, let's get out of here." Abby said pulling at Isaac's shirt. He looked very uncomfortable. "I can't stand to look at this slut any longer" Abby then turned to me. "Your outfit looks as if you took it from a prostitute" she smirked as if that was the best thing she has ever said and as if she thought I would care.
"Darling, I took this from your closet." I heard the crowd let out small chuckles and some kid yelled 'aw snap'.
"Ugh" she screamed and stomped out of the cafeteria.
"Go after you girlfriend you manwhore" I said to Isaac before I brushed past him in line to get my food. The cafeteria returned to it's usual noise level and I walked towards the table near the middle with my food. I plopped down onto the seat beside Mark and he handed me his drink which was dr.pepper. He always added vodka to his dr.pepper so that was exactly what I needed. I took a couple gulps then handed it back.
"Thanks. I needed that" I said to mark handing him his drink back. Mark, Colton and a couple other guys from the pit were sitting around the table. "Where's Max?" I asked hoping one of them knew the answer
"He was at the pit this morning before I came here" a guy who I think is named Jacob or Jared or something said. "Was Blake there?" I asked the same guy.
"No, not when I was there" he said before turning back to his pancakes.
I decided that if she wasn't there after breakfast I would call her. I finished my eggs and bacon then left the cafeteria to call Blake. I called 3 times but she didn't answer. I decided to go to the pit where Max was last seen. I pulled out my pack of smokes then lit one as I stepped behind the little cafe and into the forest. I was almost to the pit when I barely heard some moans and groans. Ew not again. I heard the girl say 'Max' but it didn't sound right. Obviously cuz they're fucking. But it was the voice, The voice wasn't Blake's. I decided to investigate. Maybe I was just wrong about the voice. Max couldn't be cheating on Blake. I crept quietly closer a closer until I could hear even their whispers quietly but I was hidden in a bush so they couldn't see me and more importantly. I couldn't see them. I decided to call Max's phone. I called it and I heard it ring.
"Babe just leave it" the voice which was definitely not Blake's said.
"Shit it's Meghan I have to answer." Max said quickly.
"But babe.." The girl whined "Abby shut up." Wait Abby as in.... No way "Hey girl what's up" Max said once he answered the phone.
"Sorry I didn't mean to call" I said quietly. "I'm in class gotta go" then I hung up.
"That was weird" Max said to himself. "Now baby let's finish what we started" then I heard then kissing then I began to hear the moans and grossness again.
'I need to record this. As proof for Blake. Then I'm getting a new phone. First a new couch now a new phone.' I thought before turning my phone on and secretly recording a few seconds of.... That... Then I snuck away as quietly as I came. I couldn't focus throughout the first three classes. Finally the bell rang signalling it was time for lunch. I rushed put of my class then dialled Blake's number. This time she answered
"Where the fuck are you!" I questioned her
"I was at the store. I had to pick up some stuff." She said
"What kind of stuff?" I asked
"You don't wanna know" she stated
"Yes I do. Tell me."
"Fine I went to pick up some condoms and some new bras and stuff"
"Why was your phone off"
"It was dead. By the way I'm back at our place with Max and after what I just bought I'm pretty sure you know what's happening so I advise you not to come back until 4ish"
"Blake I need to tell you something" the thoughts about Max and Abby swirled through my head.
"Okay but make it quick. Max should be here any second"
"Well it's about Ma-" I started before Blake cut me off
"Shit max is here gotta go love ya!" Then she hung up the phone. Well shit. I'm not going to go tell her right now. I do not want to see that again. Lunch ended and I spent an hour after school at the cafe thing with Colton. I called at 4 telling Blake I was coming back. She told me Max had just left so I was clear to come back. Now how was I supposed to tell her that her boyfriend of 2 1/2 months has been cheating in her for who knows how long. This is going to be a long night.
I got back to the dorm and quietly stepped in.
"Blake?" I called
"Ya" she said walking out of her room
"Um... I have to tell you something" I said avoiding eye contact
By the look on my face she could tell something what wrong
"What's wrong" her smiled dropped and we sat down on the couch.
"Maxischeatingonyouandidontknowhowlong" I blurted out so fast even I didn't understand.
"Slow down" Blake said resting her hand on my shoulder.
"Max is cheating on you" I held my breath and closed my eyes
But then Blake she... She laughed.
"Max cheating on me" she managed to say between laughs. "What are you on right now"
"Blake I'm serious!" I snapped "Look" I held out my phone and turned on the video
When I opened my eyes Blake had tears in her eyes. I snatched my phone away and shut it off.
"Blake" I started
"No. Let's go kick his ass" Blake said standing up
I grabbed he arm and pulled her back down
"No we aren't. Violence is not the answer. Well it is in certain circumstances. But no, How about we go to a party instead" I suggested
"Yes. I need to get drunk" Blake said going to her room to change.
I got off the couch and changed into some jean shorts and a left the crop top from earlier on. I slipped on my black leather heeled boots and grabbed my black studded purse. I left my room and re-did my makeup. Blake came out wearing a short, low cut dark blue dress. She looked amazing, like drop dead gorgeous. I curled her hair and helped her with her makeup. It was around 8 o'clock by the time we were ready. I put my black heels back on and brought out some silver strappy heels for Blake.
"You ready?" I asked as she stood up.
"Hell. Fucking. Yes" she said then we left.

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