Chapter 15- Couches

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Chapter 15: Couches

"What about this one?" Blake said jumping on a tan coloured leather couch.
"No" I shook my head for the thousandth time. We have been at the mall for round about an hour.
"Oh. My. God. Hale. Every couch had been a 'no"
"Ya because they are all a no" I stated simply.
"Ugh! I give up!" Blake yelled dramatically flopping onto a couch.
"Yes!" I yelled pushing Blake off the couch and onto the floor of the store
"What the hell was that for!" Blake stood up rubbing he elbow.
"That is the couch!" I sat down taking in the comfy ness of it.
The couch was black leather with silver circling it. It would match perfectly with our black, white and silver design of our living room.
"Wait so we finally get to go home?" Blake asked excitedly.
"No. We are going to go eat first."
"Foooood!!!" She yelled waving her hands above her head.
"Okay.... I don't know you" I turned and casually walked away leaving a retarded looking Blake behind. I walked up to a blonde haired male employee.
"Hello." I said walking up behind him.
"Hi, how can I help you?" He asked me with a smile.
"Um I'd like to get that couch over there" I pointed to the couch where Blake was still waving her hands above her head like an idiot yelling 'food'
"Uh... Is that your friend?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.
"No!" I said a bit too quickly "That is some random person. I have no idea who that is"
"Kaaaeeeelaaaaannn!" Blake yelled. Finally stopping. She stood with her legs apart and arms up trying to keep herself from falling over. I covered my face with my hands.
"I'll take that couch" I pursed my lips together and pointed to the black leather couch.
"Okay. I will go and get it and bring it to the front cashiers." He said walking off
We busted out laughing as soon as he was out of earshot
"Oh god. Your special" I said between laughs.
"But you love me for it!" She smiled hugging me.
"Okay let's go get our couch" I said dragging Blake towards to cashiers
We bought our couch and got Dairy Queen for dinner. We had gotten the store to load the couch into the truck.
Blake threw the keys at me "You can drive I'm gonna sleep." Blake said getting into the passengers seat.
The truck roared to life and I began the drive back to the school. Blake had fallen asleep, her head against the window.
20 minutes into the 40 minute drive I turned on the music and the song 'Alone Together' by Fall Out Boy came on. I love this song. I sang quietly so I didn't wake up Blake. After the song was done I texted Colton, Max and Mark asking if they could come and help me bring the couch in.
Colton texted back right away with a yes and Max shortly after. Mark was probably screwing with some poor girl. I chuckled to myself at Max's response. I had texted
KÆ> I will be at the school in 10 mins with a new couch because of you, so you better be waiting in the Parking lot to bring it in.
Maxie-Poo> I'm gonna be living this down for the rest if my life. I'll be there.
Ten minutes later I pulled into the parking lot. I decided to let Blake sleep so I left her in the truck. Colton and Max where making their way over to the truck. I dropped the tail gate and climbed into the tall truck. I pushed the couch out enough so Colton was able to grab it. Colton pulled it with ease until Max grabbed the opposite end. I put the tail gate back up and ran after then. I walked into Allat before them and held open the door. I then ran up the stairs to open the door to our room. I was luckily able to find my keys quickly instead if it taking 5 minutes. I had gotten some people to come and take our old couch while we were out so we were able to just put the couch right in.
"Thanks guys!" I said once they out the couch down. "I left Blake in the truck, so I gotta go back out there and get my mustang back."
"Ya u was wondering where it was. Who's truck is that?" Max asked as we left the dorm
"Jacks." I said
We kept chatting between the three if us until I reached the truck.
"Thanks for helping I appreciate it" I said before jumping in the truck and driving off. I grabbed a cigarette out if my purse and lit it opening the window. Blake sat up and stretched.
"Sharesies?" She asked and then dug through my purse for the cigarettes
"Well you already took it" I mumbled. We finished our smokes and stuffed them in the ash tray. We pulled into the garage and I parked the truck back where we got it. I locked the doors and swapped the trucks keys for the mustangs then we left the garage and headed back to school.

I sat down in our new couch an sighed. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. I went to 'On Demand' and started watching Teen Wolf.
"You wanna come?" Blake asked me
"Where are you going?" I asked, my eyes not leaving the tv.
"The barn. I have a lesson" she said
"No" I said quickly. I don't want to go. It's just too soon.
"Kaelan it's been 3 months. When will you even walk the direction of the barn?"
"Maybe never. Now leave before your late" I dead panned turning my gaze back to the tv.
I heard Blake sigh before she left the room. I sat there on that couch trying to focus on the show. I just couldn't concentrate. I shut off the tv and went to bed. 10 minutes later I heard Blake come back. Wow I sure sat there for a Long time. Finally after hours or staring at the ceiling I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! I know this is a short not so exciting chapter. But I hope you enjoy. I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Comment and vote please!!


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