Chapter 13: Well That Was Amazeballs....

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A/N:  Sunie will be called Blake mostly and Meghan will sometimes be called Kaelan because of the drivers licenses and passports having those names. Daunte^^^

Chapter 13: Well That Was Amazeballs

I pulled up to a big house on the outskirts of New York city. I double checked that the address on the house matched the one that jack told us in the note. It did. I got out of the drives seat and Sunie... Ugh.. I mean Blake, jumped out of the passengers side. I checked the address, again, and knocked on the big wooden front door. The note told me to say that Jack and Correy sent us. A man in probably his mid-thirties with LOTS of tattoos opened the door.
"Um... Hello" I gulped
He gave me a confused look.
"Jack and Correy sent us." Suni-Blake said with a smile, coming to my rescue.
"So are you the boys told me about?" He point to Blake.
"No that would be Meghan.. Um... I mean Kaelan" Blake said sheepishly
"Ahhh well nice to meet both of you anyways." The man said "oh ya the names Daunte" (pronounced don-tay)
He led us farther into the huge house. We stopped in the kitchen.
"You guys hungry?" Daunte asked
Now usually when you just meet someone and they offer food you say no thanks but in this case.....
"MEEE!!!" Blake an I raised out hands in the air
"I haven't eaten since 12:15!" I exclaimed
"Same! And it's already 4:30" Blake clutched her stomach

Sunie uh.. Blake and I started auguring about who's hungrier. I heard Daunte chuckle in the midst of our arguing.
"Is something funny?" I asked him sassily with my hand on my hip.
Sunie copied and gave him and intimidating look.
"Uh no" he gulped
I took a step closer watching his eyes widen then I bust out laughing.
"Oh *laugh* My *laugh* God *laugh* we scared you." My abdomen beginning to hurt.
Daunte laughed. "Nope. How was my acting?"
"What! That was acting! Woah there bruh. That was freaking AMAZEBALLS!!" Blake jumped giving Daunte a pat on the back.
"Thanks!" He have us a smile. "I'd hope that was ... 'Amazeballs' because what kind of actor would I be if I sucked"
"Your an actor?" Blake said. "What have I seen you in?"
Daunte named off a few movies.
"No way! Those are like only the best action movies ever!" I exclaimed taking my last bite of my cheese and crackers.
Blake stuffed her last three into her mouth.
"Okay time to train" he slapped his hands on the counter.
We stood up and saluted "yes sir!"
Daunte rolled his eyes then led us down one corridor then another and another turning left and right, then right again. We walked down some stairs and he moved a picture then typed in a code then had his eyes scanned. Wall a bit farther  down the hall opened up revealing more stairs. We walked in silence down probably three move levels until we reached a door down.. You guessed it... Another hallway! He then pressed a button beside the door causing a small metal card scanner to open. He then swiped a card and the door opened revealing a large room filled with punching bags, weight machines, boxing rings, a little food/drink stand and more workout equipment.
"This is where you will do most of your training" he gestured into the room.
"What training?" I asked and Blake looked around in awe.
"Learning how to fight" Daunte said.
"I already know how to fight" I held up my arms in a fighting stance.
"Let's see what you can do then. MARIA!" He yelled
That's when I realized the gym was filled with people working out and learning how to fight.
A small petite girl with bleached blond hair bounced up I us. Yes, literally bounced.
"You and you. In the ring" Daunte pointed at me then Maria.
I walked up then crawled through the ropes.
"I can easily beat this 5,1" girl" I thought "she probably weighs like 90 pounds. Bet she can't even throw a punch" I thought smirking.
"Go" Daunte bellowed as a bell rang.
We circled around a few times until she made the first move. She aimed a right hook right at my head which I dodged and I threw a punch hitting her in the stomach.
"YA KAELAN!!!" Blake yelled clapping.
People gathered around to watch.
"Focus" I shook my head, riding it of all thoughts.
Maria stood back up anger flaring in her eyes.
She ran at me I dodged but she tripped me causing me to lose my balance. I crashed to the floor and Maria jumped on top of me punching my face. I used my arms to block most of her punches. I kneed her in the back as hard as I could. She grimaced in pain and that was my chance. I threw her off of me with the little of what's left of my strength and stood up in a defensive position. She lay on the floor holding her back with her hands. She groaned and slowly stood up. She moved closer to me and I prepared my combo in my head 'Left hook, right hand uppercut, knee to the stomach'
Just as I was about to close in and do my combo, Maria kicked me in the side. I threw a wild punch hoping to hit her. I missed. She punched me again. I felt the warm blood running down my face. She dropped her hands thinking she finished me off when I came in with my combo. BAM! Left hook to the cheek. BAM! Right hand uppercut to the jaw and BAM! Knee to the Stomach and she's down! She fell down clutching her stomach blood dripping off her face and hands. She whacked the floor 3 times signalling she was done and that I won.
People clapped and that's when I noticed that all the people in the gym had gathered around watching our fight. I jumped out the the ring as two first aid attendants attended to Maria.
"Well.... That was amazeballs" Sunie stated with no emotion whatsoever. I raised my eyebrow, silently questioning why she was do quiet and calm. It was do un-Blake like.
"Holy shit! That was amazing! I didn't know you were that good at fighting. I knew you has trained with your uncle but I thought you just learnt how to properly throw a punch not full on fight!" Blake exclaimed as we did our handshake. Now there's the Blake I know.
"I'm impressed" Daunte nodded his head. "Maria is one of the best girl fighters here. But I think you judg claimed her spot" Daunte patted me on the shoulder then walked away. "Training starts tomorrow girls. Be here at 5pm" he yelled back at us. "Jayden give them cards" he yelled as he walks out the door.
"Ugh she's gonna be coming after me. Isn't she" I sighed
"Yup" Blake popped the 'p' "and when she cones after you. I'm running. I'll leave you for dead." She smiled innocently
"Geesh. What a nice friend"
A guy with light brown hair pulled back into a man bun who I assume is Jayden walked towards us.
"Hi. I'm Jayden come with me" he walked us towards the food place. He could actually pull of a man bun. Now that's a rare sight to see. A guy who can actually pull it off. He grabbed a camera and told us to do a straight face. Blake and and burst out laughing smiling at the camera. He took Blake an I's photo together and just cut it in half.
He shook his head then handed us each a pen and paper where we needed to fill out our names age birthday and get a photocopy of our drivers licenses. We went with our new names. Kaelan Hale and Blake O'Ryan, then we did our ages of 21 instead of 17 and did our same birthdays just a different year. Then we gave our drivers licenses to Jayden and he photocopied them quickly.
5 minutes later he gave us our access cards and walked away.
"Well he was um.... Nice" Blake said
We laughed then somehow found our way out I the ginormous mansion and into the mustang then drive off into the sunset!

Lol sorry I haven't been updating lots. School sucks. I just finished this while skipping class with my bro Blakeo. We were hiding out in the bush with a coyote. It was kinda creepy.... Anyways follow comment and vote!!!!


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