C.C.: Too Hot

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Sorry this took so long, school's a pain in my ass.

But here's a cute Camila one-shot, for you all.


Your P.O.V.

Dragging my feet across the soft carpet, I made my way into the kitchen. The sweet smell of butter and sugar filled my nostrils, somewhat shaking my body from slumber. Work had me up late yesterday, and I had to go back in this afternoon, to cover Annie's shift. She broke her leg and couldn't come in for a few weeks. It got me extra cash, so I didn't mind too much.

When I finally entered the room, the sight in front of me made me smile. Camila was in front of the stove, making breakfast, I assumed. Her long, brown hair fell down her back, body clad in one of my oversized T-shirts, bottom in her black panties. She was humming along to music, hips swaying, long legs flexing.

We've been dating for a year now, and I couldn't be happier. Even when she was away on tour, we stayed in contact; constantly texting, calling, and even FaceTiming when she could.

I walked over, wrapping my arms around her waist, forehead against her shoulder. I could feel her smile against my head. This, was what I had longed for, for years. Now that I finally had it, I still couldn't believe it was real.

"Hi." The raspy, feminine voice I loved so much filled my ears, heart warming instantly.

"Hi." I replied, nuzzling my nose against her warm skin.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty well. Though, when I woke up, I would've liked to see your face. Plus, it got cold."

Mila laughed, scooping a pancake and setting it on the plate. "Sorry. I wanted to cook for you since work has been stressing you out. Besides, you deserve at least one day where you don't cook for me. You know all I would eat is bananas and cereal without you here."

I nodded, pressing a kiss to the back of her neck. "Thank you, Mila. How thoughtful of you. Though I'm surprised you didn't burn the house down." I joked, giggling against her shirt. Well, my shirt.

"Hey, if some of it's burnt, that's not my fault."

"Sure, Mila. Sure." I laughed, harder, letting go of her to clutch my stomach.

"You little...non-sunshine!" Camila flicked the stove off and spun around, grabbing my hips.

I squeaked, startled. "No, no! I'm so-" She crashed her lips on mine, shutting me up.

Quite effectively, I may add.

Camila walked us backwards to the counter, where she lifted me up, setting me down on it. My hands slid up her soft skin, tangling in her thick tresses, while her hands ran patterns on my thighs, tingles running down my spine.

Yanking her closer, Mila deepened the kiss,
settling herself between my legs. "Mmm." Our lips parted, hers pressing gently along my jaw, down my neck. "M-Mila..." She captured my lips, again, her soft petals caressing mine.

When my lungs screamed for air, I pulled away, gasping. Jesus. What the hell was that?

My heart slammed against my chest, fingers shaking. The things she does to me, I swear to God. She will be the death of me one day.

Keeping my eyes closed, I leaned my head on hers, running my fingers through her hair. When I opened my eyes, I met bright brown ones. I swear I melted. "Good morning." Her voice was thick.

"What?" I breathed, insides clenching at the sight of her swollen lips.

"I never properly greeted you. So, good morning." Is she serious right now?

I groaned, tilting my head back. "You can't just kiss me like that, then say good morning."

"Can't I?" She nipped my exposed flesh, sucking to cool the sting.

"Mila." I whined, running a hand through my hair.

She laughed, pecked my forehead, and stepped away. "Come on. Let's eat."

* * *

After breakfast, Camila and I made our way to the bedroom, hand in hand. We settled under the covers, Mila wrapping an arm around me and resting her head on my chest.

Her sweet scent filled me, body relaxing instantly. I kissed the top of her head, pulling her closer. "Mila."


"I love you." She giggled, hiding in my shirt.

"Aw. You're so fucking cute." I cooed, laughing.

She turned her head towards me, pouting. "Nuh-uh."

I grinned. "Uh-huh."

I leaned down, swiftly catching her bottom lip between my teeth. Tugging gently, I kissed her softly, cupping her cheek. She responded immediately, sat up, and straddled my waist. Hands laced with hands, hers holding mine above my head. Camila quickly dominated the situation, knee between my thighs, hips holding me down.

Well shit.

She broke the kiss, eyes burning, heat shooting to my lower stomach. "How the hell did me saying I love you, turn into you pinning me to the bed?" Mila hummed, pecking my collarbone.

"You're the one who kissed me." Rolling my eyes, I draped my hands over her shoulders.

"That automatically suggests that you pin me to the bed?"

She chuckled, grinning. "Yep." Eye roll.

"Oh, don't act like you don't love this." I was the one to laugh, Mila's cheeky grin making me grin myself. God, I love her. It was silent for a few moments, us staring into each other's eyes.



"Are you gonna kiss me, or what? I'm waiting." Camila smiled, pearly whites on display.

"Gladly." Lips met lips for the millionth time, moulding together like clay. My hands weaved into her dark hair, tugging gently. Her eyes darkened, her own hands capturing mine, once again holding them above me. "No touching." She breathed, squeezing my wrists.

I pouted, pressing a kiss to her jaw. "But I wanna touch you." She caught my lip between her teeth, pulling harder than I did. "Ow." I mumbled, making her kiss me again.

"Okay, okay. How about we play a game." I sat up, with Mila still straddling my hips. I expected her to wrap her arms around my neck like usual, but she put them behind her head instead. "It's called, Too Hot. So, we start kissing." She did just that, taking my lips into her own.

I was liking this game already.

"And...we can't touch each other." I grinned, releasing my fingers from her hair. "If you touch me, then I win, and I get to do whatever I want to you."

Laughing between kisses, I replied. "And if you touch me?"

She smiled, replacing my fingers with her own. "Then you win. And you get to do whatever you want to me." Spreading my arms away from both our bodies, specifically hers, I nodded.

"Okay. Ready, set, go." Our lips meshed together, Camila's skillful tongue gliding across my lips. My hands unconsciously went to her waist, but I clenched them, restraining myself. She smiled into the kiss, grinding slowly against my leg. Groaning, my hands automatically shot to her hips, yanking her closer. Shit.

Mila pulled away, grinning victoriously. "I win." She stated, pushing me back and pinning my hands above my head.

Oh God.


Was that good? Bad? Maybe a part two?

Also, comment requests/ideas if you have any.

One more thing. Keep the Jauregui family in your prayers. Lauren's grandmother passed recently, so show them some love. #RIPAngelica

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