C.C.: Home

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I'm working on Part 3 of the Lauren/You imagine, don't worry. I feel bad for taking forever, so here's a cute Camila one until that time comes.


Your P.O.V.

"Mommy!" Walking into the living room, I was met with the adorable face of our three year old daughter, Karla. She was a mini Camila, with her eyes, nose, and lips. She had my hair and smile, her skin a mixture of both of us, a warm tan. She was the most beautiful little girl I had ever seen.

Camila protested against the name when I suggested it during her pregnancy, but the second she laid eyes on her, she knew that the baby girl was Karla.

She's our mini Karla. Honestly, she acts just like Camila. She loves banana-flavored baby food, is clumsy as hell, and is the sweetest little girl ever. Not to mention she has the cutest mole on the very top of her forehead.

As I entered the room, she ran over to me, wrapping her arms around my leg. "I'm hunwey mommy."

I picked her up, sitting her carefully on my shoulders. I dropped her once, and Mila wouldn't let me hold her for like a week.

Never dropping her again.

"What do you want to eat, baby?" Karla set her chubby fingers in my hair, hanging on.

"Can we has...noodle?" Smiling at her words, I nodded. Lauren and I are slowly teaching her proper grammar, and she's picking up on it pretty quickly.

She insisted that we start early, so when she starts school she'll be "ahead of the game."

Auntie Lolo the Grammar Queen, everybody.

Obviously Karla gets it wrong most times, like 90%, but it's amazing that she's learning already. "Of course, princess. How does mac and cheese sound?"

She squealed, nodding her head frantically. "Yay! Cheese and mac!"

Chuckling at her cuteness, I put her down on the counter and proceeded to cook the dish. I let Karla scroll through my music, since I hated cooking in silence. Plus, music made it fun.

"Mommy! Can I plays mama's music?" She loved listening to Mila and the girls sing. Every night Cami had to sing to her, or else she wouldn't go to sleep. It didn't matter if it was in person or over Skype or on the phone.

I grinned, agreeing. Of course, I also love their music, and fell in love with it. I mean, who hasn't? "Pick whichever song you want, love." Karla's little thumbs pushed the screen, Suga Mama blasting through the speakers. Karla smiled happily, Mila's beautiful voice filling the room. My heart sank, again, the sadness hitting me like a truck.

The girls have been away all year on their third headlining tour, and thankfully it's the last leg. I'm insanely proud of them, don't get me wrong, but it's hard, being gone for that long.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt Karla's hands on my face. "Mommy? Why is you crying?" She messily wiped the tears off my cheeks, a slight frown on her lips.

"Nothing, baby. I'm okay. I just miss your mama, that's all." Karla leaned forward, planting a big kiss on my lips.

"I wuv you mommy. Mama bees home soon. I knows so." Swooping her up, I peppered kisses all over her face. She squealed, cute giggles falling from her lips.

"I wuv you too princess. Let's eat now, yeah?" Karla nodded cheerfully, as I filled her bowl.

"Movie?" We had finished our dinner, and are currently cuddled up on the couch. Karla sat in my lap, with her head burrowed in my neck. "Which movie do you wanna watch?"

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