N.K.H.: Cold Hugs

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I'm shit and I've lost inspiration I'm so sorry I'm tRASH



Your P.O.V.

Sighing loudly, I bundled the warm blanket around my shivering frame, flicking mindlessly through Netflix.

Cold air circulated outside, sun hidden behind the thick clouds giving zero warmth to anything down here.

My ass was frozen.

"Baby?" The front door slammed shut, Normani walking into the living room looking stunning as ever.

A white button up covered her chest, accompanied by a relatively short black skirt that exposed her legs despite the weather, nude heels tying the outfit together.

"Aw. Look at you all cuddled up." Poking my tongue out at her, she giggled, making her way over.

Mani slid the long peacoat off her slender shoulders, tossing that and her purse onto the couch across from me. A bright smile made its way onto her face, hands stretching out towards my bundled frame.

Sitting herself on my lap, the beautiful girl wrapped her arms around my neck, nuzzling the chilly skin of her face into me.

"Ew, Mani. You're cold."

The girl laughed, resting her fingers onto my neck, a shiver shooting down my spine. The cold settled in my lower back, slowly spreading despite the many layers of blankets.


"I'm cold now." I whined, attempting to push her off, but failing miserably. Her thighs were too strong

Stupid squats.

My girlfriend laughed, shoving her fingers higher until her hands gripped my bare breasts. Normally, I would've been completely fine with the gesture, but the fact that her hands felt like icicles ruined it completely.

"Get your hands off my boobs."

"Make me."

Groaning loudly, I freed my arms from their confinements, reaching upwards until I took her wrists, yanking them out of my clothes, and back to her sides.

"Mani, get off."

"Make me."


Quickly bucking the girl onto the floor, she gasped loudly, my hands pinning her wrists onto the floor, hips successfully holding her body down.

Normani huffed, pouting like a child, making me laugh. "What? You asked me to."

She rolled her eyes, grabbing the blankets that hung loosely around me onto herself, pushing my arms until my weight fell onto her.

"Ow. My fucking boobs, Mani."

"I'll massage them for you."

Blushing slightly, I hid my face in her warm neck, nuzzling into the soft skin. The blanket was now wrapped around both of us, laying comfortably on the floor, conveniently where we could still see the TV.

"You're comfy."

"You're welcome."

Giggling softly, I kissed Normani's cheek, the pair of us continuing to watch House until dinner.


This is trash I'm trash bye

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