N.K.H.: Pokémon

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honestly fuck everyone

why do i even bother making friends if they're all fake

congrats on being an asshole, bitch


Your P.O.V.

"Mani!" I whined, pouting up at the taller girl, who was fiddling with her phone.

I'd been bugging her to go outside and hunt for Pokémon, but she wasn't feeling it. Apparently, walking around for a little while was "extensive exercise".

"No, Y/N. I'm exhausted."

"But I really want a Charmander."

Rolling her eyes, Normani sighed loudly after a moment of silence. "Fine. God, you're so annoyingly persuasive."

Cheering excitedly, I slipped on a pair of shoes and my phone, quickly dragging my girlfriend out the door of our apartment.

The streets were somewhat busy, considering it was a Friday evening in LA. On Twitter earlier, a friend of mine said she found a Charmander near the local Starbucks.

Luckily, it wasn't far from where we were, or else Mani wouldn't have even gone near the door.

"Starbucks is so far." She whined, stomping her foot childishly. I laughed at the girl, kissing her cheeks softly.

"Babe, it's not even far. It's like, 15 minutes tops. I'll buy you that drink you love?"

Nodding happily, we intertwined our hands and began the journey, me staring at my phone the entire time, incase I managed to come across the little fire creature. Normani kept her own phone open as well, attempting to hatch an egg or two.

After a bit, we made it to our destination, collecting the items given by the Poké Stop, before entering the café.

It was a little crowded, some people here for the game others for the food and drinks. Mani and I made our way to the line, deciding on what to order while keeping an eye on our cells.

"Oh my god, a Charmander!" Someone in the store yelled from the back, me nearly dropping my phone to check if I could see it.

"What the fuck, where is it?" I mumbled, seeing nothing besides the common Pidgey and Spearow sitting on my screen. I heard a few more people cheering, probably having caught the Charmander while I was still looking for it.

"Mani, do you see it? Because I-"

Peeking at her phone, I saw the familiar, "Gotcha!", followed by a fucking Charmander being registered into her Pokédex.

"What the fuck? Fuck this game!" Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I crossed my arms stubbornly, angry pout on my face.

Giggling, Mani pecked my cheeks, wrapping her arms around me. "Aw, Y/N, don't be upset. You'll catch one soon."

"I want it now."

"Well, how about I name it after you? That way, you'll have good luck next time we go hunting."

I couldn't help but crack a smile at her offer, hugging her back tightly. "You're the best, Mani."

"I know, babe."


(also idk if there's some copywrite bullshit but obviously nothing mentioned having to do with Pokémon isn't mine; all credits to whoever the hell owns it these days)

On a serious note:

I fucking hate how people in this fandom have the audacity to fucking slander and bash someone for literally complimenting their bandmate, their talent, and fucking especially their race. Normani is a beautiful, intelligent, strong, extremely talented black woman who shouldn't have to deal with people's fake, idiotic bullshit said about her.

I honestly pray that these people get their ignorant heads out of their asses and literally leave the fandom. NO ONE WANTS THAT BULLSHIT HERE. IF YOU DON'T APPRECIATE ANY OF THE GIRLS TF ARE YOU DOING STANNING THEM.


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