~ Snowy Night ~

393 13 2

It's already been months since you've met Amajiki and stayed with him. It feels like you just met him today and done so much in the past hour.

You, sitting on your built in wall bench you made a little while back in your bedroom, you look outside. The clouds seem to bundle up and make the sky all gray. You could tell it's about to rain, your puffy tail is even more puffy than normal.
With that, Amajiki has been asking you if he could touch it or fluffy it up more. Not that your tail is a weak spot, which depends, it's that it's your most ticklish spot.

You cuddle up against the window, feeling the cold breeze through the cracks in the window frame. It feels colder than usual when it rains, it makes you wonder.

" Have room for one more..? "

You look towards the door and see a soft, snuggly Amajiki standing there. You smile widely at the sight of him shining.

" Tama-kiiii.. oh. "

" What.. what was that? "

You could hear him chuckle a little from your huge voice crack. That wasn't embarrassing at all.. Amajiki sneaks up behind you and cuddles up with you. You leaned up so that you could lay on his stomach, as well as feel his warmth on your back.

He holds you close wrapping his arms around your stomach.

" You haven't said anything in a while. You- feeling okay..? "

In such a smooth and sweet tone, his words, his breath, his soft silky skin up against you. You couldn't say nothing..

You take a deep breath and think for a moment.

" I'm not sure. I feel off putting.. I-.. I'm not sure how to explain it. It's like I feel hot, cold, then my heart feels like it's sinking into my chest, but more in depth I guess? "

" How.. How do I help you Bunny? "

" Well, right now I'm freezing. "

He rubs your arms gently and peeks outside the window. A soft but loud yawn escapes your mouth, as tears fall down your cheek. You've been yawning so much recently it sometimes makes you gag.

" I think I know why you feel this way bunny.. "

You lean your head back onto his chest, looking up at him confused.

" Hm? "

" It's snowing. I- think your body is changing due to the weather conditions.. "

Snow? How did you space seeing the snow right outside? It rarely snows over these fields, it just gets cold or it rains during winter months. This is your first time ever seeing snow in person.
You look towards the window and place your hand against it. It's so pretty with all the little snowflakes. You wish to see it covered with snow, maybe make a snow angel.

Suddenly, you get hot flashes and quickly sit up kicking the blanket off. You hold your head trying not to slobber everywhere with all the saliva now built up.

" Bunny yo- "

You quickly get up and run to the bathroom cutting Amajikis sentence off. You stand over the sink letting it drip out. Surprisingly, your saliva is freezing cold but your body burning hot making you sweat.

" Bunny..?! Wh-what happened? "

You rinse out your mouth and grab a towel.

" This has been happening all day today.. I don't know where it came from. "

Amajiki looks down concerned. He takes a deep breath almost sounding like he's trembling.

" Maybe.. standing outside for a bit may help? "

" Are.. are you crazy? It's colder outside than in here. "

" Yea I-I know, but it might help the change. You feel hot then cold, you- might be in between both stages. It's warm in here but cold out there. "

He's got a point and you know that. In your mind thinking it's probably not even it at all. You trust him though, plus he's smart as hell when it comes to you.

You sigh and pout a little. Just thinking of going out there right now sounds absolutely crazy. Maybe even above crazy.

" I don't know.. do you really think that's it? "

Amajiki scratches the back of his head lightly.

" Well.. I don't know much about the bunny society, but more species go through tough changes- when winter comes around.. "

You think for a moment longer. You haven't experienced this at all and Amajiki has at least a clue on how to help you. He's been alive for over a millennia and had to go through it once at some point too.. right?

" Ermm.. okay.. I trust you on this. "

You grab a coat just in case, and slowly head downstairs. You feel like you have all these problems and now you have to deal with this. It's beyond frustrating.

Amajiki follows shortly behind and trips on the long rug along the way. You thought about moving the rug in the trash. It's so ugly to you with a yellow rug in a red, blue, and gray mansion.

You put on your boots you stole from Amajikis closet and open the door slightly. The cold breeze hits your face and immediately want to go back inside. Amajiki behind you holding your arms as if he's coming outside with you. Facing near death, you take your first step into the icy snow.

Your boots got cold quick and thought if these weren't the right shoes to put on for snow. At this point, you regret ever coming outside in the first place. This was a terrible idea!

" Feeling any better? "

" N-n-n-no..! It's- s-so c-c-cold! "

" Try- dipping your ears in the snow.. "

Your eyes widen at his idea. He must be absolutely crazier than you thought!

" A-A-Are you- n-nuts?! "

" It might help..? "

You accept fate and try his idea. You turn around slowly and bend over slightly. Your ears, pretty much feeling strapped to your back, have a mind of their own and can feel their pain. Taking a deep breath, you do it anyway and set your ears in the snow.

Suddenly, you drop dead face first in the snow, worrying Amajiki. He runs towards you shaking you rapidly.

" Bunny?! Bunny are you oka- "

He flips you over as you have the biggest grin on your face with eyes closed.

" This.. this is heaven. Not for my feet though. "

" You're not the typical snow bunny.. "

Amajiki giggles and even shares a laugh. It's nice to see and hear him laugh. It makes your heart pound with joy and excitement, knowing he's okay and happy. His laugh is so contagious, it makes you jump in laughing as well.

" I'm just glad you're okay bunny.. I'm- surprised that worked..? "

You sit up and kiss his cheek, smiling as happily as ever.

" I feel the same.. Hey! While we're out here, wanna make some snow angels? Or even a snowman? "

" I would love to.. "

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now