~ All The Way Frightened ~

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It's a brand new day as everything is calm. It's been a few days since the incident occurred with everyone battling each other. Though, your lover has been avoiding you all day. Why? You don't know, and don't even know where to start for a conversation.

You're in the kitchen with some nice home made tea you made earlier. Its chai tea with some coconut milk. You found some mint leaves outside a little further from the flower garden, and decided to make something out of it to make your tea taste better. However, it taste bitter with the coconut milk, and wished you only put the mint in.

Amajiki passed you looking concerned as well as staring at the floor. Now's your chance to talk to him.

" Hey um.. Tamaki? You feeling okay? "

He doesn't answer, but looks up at you worriedly. You know now for sure it was something you did. You walk a little standing in front of him.

" Are you okay..? "

You flinch a bit and walk a little more. He's got his black cloak on and turns about ninety degrees towards you, making a little breeze.

" You've been hiding from me.. "

He looks down and then towards you, looking concerned and mislead. Your ears slowly fall behind you feeling guilty, rubbing your arm. He walks up to you grabbing your hands gently.

" I-I'm sorry.. I just thought.. I needed time to think.."

" Why's that? "

He looks away looking as if he's about to cry. Your heart feels like breaking into millions of pieces as tears start to fall without even knowing it.

" I-I don't know. Just thinking about that day with the dragons coming along. They made me rationally jealous and- I didn't know how to handle- "

Amajiki was talking faster and faster, so you kissed him before he could finish to let him calm down. He melted into the kiss holding you closer. You wrap your arms around his neck, reassuring him that it's okay. You let go catching your breath.

" I-I'm.. sorry. I was talking to much again.. Wasn't I? "

" It's okay Tamaki. If you need space just let me know next time. You had me worried. "

Looking deep into your pretty ( e/c ) color coated eyes, he says nothing. You feel as if the whole world has collided in between you both, as fate brings you closer together. The gap between you has been filled with love and compassion, but something was off.

He ignored you but only because he needed time to think. Nothing else? Your mind wanders feeling the urge to know why, in hopes he isn't lying. He's not acting himself and usually calls you bunny. Something must've happened.

You may have noticed weird behavior before this as well, and start to worry. You don't want to worry too much and just enjoy the moment while it lasts.

You cuddle him as he lifts you up heading back to the bedroom upstairs. You massage his head and pet his hair. He breathes heavily embarrassed. The questions role in your mind not going anywhere and non answered. You grip Amajikis shoulder tightly.

" Stop.. "

Amajiki is highly confused but stops slowly anyway. You get off him and look him dead in the eyes. Your grip his hands.

" There's something else I'm not aware of.. is there? "

" W-what do you mean..? "

" You're off. You're not yourself. What's wrong? "

You know this can't be your Amajiki. This has to be a prank or something. Suddenly, he stops moving and stands still like a statue. His eyes wide open looking straight in front of himself. His hands got so cold like a winter storm hit.

" T-tamaki? "

He doesn't answer. He's stone cold. You hug him trying to hear him breathing, which doesn't seem to be heard. He's not breathing nor a heartbeat. You panic and wave your hands in his face.

" Tamaki?! Hellooo?! "

Nothing.. what just happened to him?! You look behind you for a split second trying to see what he sees, and back. He's now gone. Out of sight. You feel paralyzed. You're shocked, your heart struck with fear. All you can do is look at the cloak left in the ground.

" T-t-t-ama-k-ki..? "

Your look left and right. Forward and behind yet he's nowhere to be seen. That really wasn't your Amajiki.. you then think of the dragons and that they might help, or even have something to do with this. You hurry picking up the black cloak and run downstairs, putting it on. You grab your basket with some food still left in it, put on your shoes, and run outside into the trees.

You follow the path, yet you realize you have no clue where you're going, and that he might not even be with them. You think of your options, and the dragons are your only lead. You remember in stories that they live in caves and assume they live towards the lava pit with volcanoes.
You keep walking.

¸.•'*¨'*• •*'¨*'•.¸

A few hours past by seeing the mountains up ahead. You stumbled upon some humans and luckily haven't been seen, so far. You haven't seen any trees for a long while and start to feel worried, not that you weren't worried before. The trees were your only hiding place and nothing is in sight. You suddenly, hear the ground rumble feeling as if the ground was collapsing under your feet.

You look down as something big approached you. A breeze could be felt and look up slightly. Your ears flop back as you see a massive yellow tinted dragon.

" Oh, I've seen you before. You're that bunny with that vampire guy, right? "

You nearly shit your pants and hesitantly nod.

" Oh! My bad, here! "

You can see him transform human like, but still has the wings, sharp nails, and seems to have horns. You felt so much better, but knowing he's a dragon doesn't help your case.

" So buttercup! What'ya doing over around these parts? It's quite dangerous for a small bunny. "

" I-I'm uh.. looking for that vampire guy, Tamaki, Tamaki Amajiki? Have you seen him? "

He scratches his head with a weird looking posture. He rubs his chin looking up at the cloudy sky.

" Hmmm not that I'm aware of. Hey! I bet Kirishima- or Bakugou knows! "

You don't know who they are, better yet have seen them before and never even wanted to again. He holds out his hand, but you're confused on what he's doing. You point at his hand and he sets back.

" Take my hand. I'll bring you to them. "

" I-I don't think that a- "

He grabbed your hand and flew high in the sky. You yell loudly scrambling to get a good grip on his shirt. You grip his back tightly afraid of heights, let alone with someone you don't know at all.

" When are we going to land?! Please put me down! "

He only giggles as your grip tightens feeling like your hand was bleeding, but was only sweat. He lands on a hill with a small looking cave inside. You hop off immediately trying to control your balance. That guy just giggles and snorts at you.

" Here you go buttercup! "

" Hmph! Very funny! "

You hear faint yelling recognizing a certain voice. You trail along and follow the voices. The dragon guy behind you follows you.

You look over the corner and see some shadows on the wall. One shadow looks exactly like Amajiki! You burst out of the corner.

" Tamaki! "

You see Amajiki! The real deal, it's definitely him!

" B-bunny?! What are you d-doing here?! "

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now