~ Attraction ~

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Your eyes widen from Amajiki confessing to you. You blush and look away from him. From the small amount of time you've been together you grew feelings for him too, but would it really work out for a bunny and a vampire to be together? Isn't that a little dangerous?

Amajiki soon sits up covering his mouth. You sit up looking over at him with concern. You see some saliva slip from his hand onto the grass. He's drooling again.

" Tamaki, what's going on? Are you okay? "

There's so much saliva he can't even talk, so he just nods. You sit on your knees in front of Amajiki and grab his hand uncovering his mouth.

" We need to get you back to the house. C'mon i'll help you. "

You stand pulling him up as well. Amajiki holds his stomach covering his mouth again. His face turns bright red and closes his eyes. You take his hand from his stomach and lead him back home.

A couple minutes pass as you walk through the trees and bushes. You get to the back door of the house, opening it. You slide a chair over to Amajiki for him to sit. He doesn't move at all. You pat the chair a couple of times, still he doesn't move.

" Tamaki.. "

You walk around the chair standing in front of him. He slowly backs up looking away from you. Your heart drops as if Amajiki is scared of you.

" Y-your.. scent is strong.. I-it's making me go crazy.. "

Your eyes widen as your cheeks go red with embarrassment. Your stunned as if you're paralyzed into place. Amajiki covers his face and speed walks into the kitchen. You still can't move. Your heart races with excitement, but also with fear.

Stories have been told that when vampires smell scent that make them crazy, they eat them and suck all your blood from your body, and transform into this hideous monster! You start to believe that. Why else would he cover his mouth, drool everywhere and it's making him crazy?! He's gonna eat you! You gulp and turn your head slowly to the kitchen.

You slowly walk towards the kitchen and hide behind the wall, looking inside the kitchen. Amajiki has his head on the counter top still standing. It sounds like he's mumbling or moaning. You walk towards him and, hesitantly, put your hand on his back. He looks up slowly. He looks as if he got hit with a tomato.

" S-sorry.. I-I should've known this was gonna happen.. "

" What's that supposed to mean? "

He opens his mouth letting all the saliva out of his mouth. You notice his teeth got more sharp than before. Your heart nearly stops like a spear went through it.
You nervously laugh.

" I-I'm still a bit confused. "

" W-well.. how would I put it.. I-I have a liking to your scent.. "

" What's that supposed to i-indicate..? "

Amajiki sits up and hugs you tightly. Again, you're shocked.

" Do you.. remember when we first met..? W-when I was out under that tree..? "

You nod.

" The only reason I-I was out there was because of how strong your scent was.. so I followed
it.. "

You feel some of Amajikis saliva sliding down your back as he grips the back of your shirt. Your heart starts skipping beats with fear and excitement. You hear Amajiki breathing hard and hug him back.

" Just.. your scent's so sweet a-and soft like eating a strawberry.. "

You giggle and pull from the hug.
You stop thinking about him eating you, and instead think about Amajikis cuteness.

" So it really gets that bad for you? With the scents and all. "

" No actually.. I kind of just.. thought about it the entire time, and it got worse, sorry.. "

" Here. "

You step on your tippy toes and give him a kiss on the cheek. His face turns bright red and scratches the back of his head.

" W-well thanks.. "

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now