~ First Encounter ~

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You live alone in the forest surrounded by trees and bushes. Your old home is far from where you are now with bright green grass and a layout of hills, or so it used to be. The inside of those hills was once your home until hunters or humans came and raided out the place, but you made it here and certainly still alive.

You're tired, exhausted even from all the stress they caused running you out of your little town.
You look around searching for food to eat, but all you find are tall trees and absolutely no grass fields, but mud and dirt covered with sticks an stones. It wasn't exactly your lucky day. You sigh in disbelief as your ears flop back.

You look some more and find a small patch of grass next to a small fish pond. Fish isn't exactly what you intended to find nor do you like it. Suddenly, you don't feel so hungry anymore as if looking at the fish made you lose your appetite.

" So this is it. I'm doomed. "

You sit next to the pond throwing grass into it. You eat little by little until you hear sticks behind you slightly crack. Your ears perk up getting ready pounce and run. You slowly turn your head and see nothing. You don't feel safe at all and stand on your heavy feet. You walk very quietly around the trees trying to get a glimpse of what it was. You see it behind a tree. A hawk also searching for food. You calm down a bit, giggling in relief knowing what it was.

" Wow, for a second there I thought I was
toast! "

You turn around, suddenly your face to face with a human. Your face drops as you pounce backwards into a tree. The human had green hair with a black tint to it, holding of what looks like a spear! You start running for your life as the human strikes nearly hitting his shot.
You run as far a possible until you reached your limit.

You trip on an open tree root falling to the ground. You lay there for a bit before lifting yourself back up. Your arm starts to sting as you check it out. You got hit...
The blood drips down your arm while you take your shirt off ripping it to pieces. You now only wearing your bra for a shirt.

You finally wrap your arm in your now dirty shirt hoping it won't get infected. This day keeps on getting better and better by the minute. You keep walking forward finding an abandoned house with another fish pond and some nice growing flowers. You walk over and pick a little sunflower for good luck to come.

" Maybe it won't be so bad once I get settled... "

You stand up looking at the pond and walk over to it.

" Fish water won't infect it, will it? " asking yourself as you unwrap your arm, reaching for the water.

" I wouldn't do that if- I were you... " an unknown voice said shakily.

You hear a strange voice come out of nowhere. You tense up even more than before. Has someone been watching you?! You then turn around seeing someone from behind a tree. You get up ready to run in the other direction.

" P-please don't go..! I'm- not here to harm you.. "

" How would I know that? Have you been stalking me?! " you said scarcely.

Suddenly, he comes out from behind the tree head looking down to the ground. You barely noticed him shaking his head. You don't trust his words, not one bit. You decide to spare his words, for now, and cross your arms.

" W-what do you want from me? How do I know you're not gonna hurt me? "

" I saw you.. got injured on your arm... plus- this is my home... I-I should be asking you these questions.. "

You look back at the house looking closely at it. Wait a minute- THIS IS A WHOLE MANSION! An old one at that. This house must be as old as the dinosaurs!
You step back uncrossing your arms, staring at the mansion.

" I-I can help you.. y'know if- you want.. " he asked quietly.

You look back at this guy, he doesn't seem human. He's hiding in the shadows like a bat wearing what seems to be a cloak around him.

" What would you want in return? "

You both then hear yelling from afar and turn your heads. You remember that sound fondly from a while back. You suddenly get grabbed by this guy and pulled into his house quickly.

" Hey! What do yo- "

He cuts you mid-sentence covering your mouth with his hand, as he looks at the front door. He's breathing nervously and you could tell. His hands are cold as the room gets colder by the second.

The yelling stops and he looks back at you realizing he still has his hand over your mouth. He lets go quickly, yet softly.

" S-sorry..! Uhm.. me and the humans... We uh don't get along very well... " he said nervously scratching his head.

" It's okay, I can say the same thing if- you haven't noticed. " you said with a slight smile.

He looks back at your arm reaching for it. You jump a little in fear that he might not have kept his words. You don't expect him to be nice, but then again he did just do you a favor.

" Mm.. may I..? " he asked politely.

You hesitate, but accept his offer in helping you. You slowly take off the ripped shirt covered in blood. It's not the most satisfying and it hurts like hell. Finally, the ripped shirts off and you show him your arm.

" Do.. you get infected by magic..? "

You shake your head. He takes your arm and slowly brings you closer to him. He starts doing a healing spell as it gets more and more awkward.

" Uhm- my n-names Tamaki, Tamaki Amajiki, by the way.. "

" Oh, my names Y/N. It's nice to meet you. "

You notice him slightly look down as you said that. Well, now that you're closer to him you can see his face clearly. He's definitely cute. His indigo eyes glow like a wave just struck them, but that's probably from his magic. His hair looks so clean and velvety.

You lift your hand to touch his hair, yet he doesn't notice. You softly stroke his hair from the side. Your eyes glisten from the feel of how soft and silky his hair is. Amajiki jumps a bit trying to focus on the spell as his face turns bright red.
He suddenly stops the spell and covers his face.

" Oh! Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Your hair just looks really soft. "

He uncovers his face looking away, rubbing the back of his neck.

" I-It's okay.. I'm done with the spell anyway.. "

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now