~ New Life, New Home ~

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You look up at Amajiki with a slight smile. You wish right now he was a plushie just to pet his softness.
You then look around the room to know your surroundings. This place is astronomically huge that it sends shivers down your spine.

" Where is everyone? "

" Oh uhm.. I live alone.. " He said regretfully.

" A-alone...? For how long? "

Amajiki looks to the ground in disappointment.

" I-I don't know.. maybe a millennia or so..? "

Your shocked by what he said. You feel guilty for even saying anything. The room feels so cold it's like winter in spring.
You rub the side of your arms and apologize to him as he looks very uncomfortable.
A couple minutes pass by with silence filling the room, thinking on what to say.

" Oh uh, thanks for helping me back there.. "

He nods slightly in embarrassment. His head then jerks up and looks straight towards you.

" Why were you out there by yourself? D-don't you normally go in herds..? "

Your face slowly drops the more you think about it. You look down as hot tears make a stream down your face, and you hold your arms tightly. Amajiki seemed to notice. He takes his coat off and wraps it around you. You get surprised and look at him. Amajiki sits next to you looking forward in front of him.
You doze off and do the same.

" Hey... Tamaki? "

He tilts his head towards you letting you know he's listening.

" To- answer your question, my home was corrupted and taken over by the humans about a month ago. My family fought to protect me and my little sister... but they got ahold of everyone and..- "

You couldn't say more as your breath became short. Your body becomes tense and the air starts to become colder.
Amajiki stops that just in time as he hugs you tightly. Your eyes widen and embrace his hug in acceptance. He seems shaken up and nervous.

" I-It's okay.. I know how that feels to lose the t-things you love.. it hurts.. but i-it gets
better. "

You hug him tightly in acknowledgement. In this moment you feel safe from everyone. It's been a long time since someone hugged you, and it feels great.
You both separated from the hug and you wipe your tears away.

" Do you- want a change of clothing..? Your clothes seem a b-bit dirty. "

" Oh, um sure. If you don't mind. "

Amajiki then walks off up the stairs, you follow close behind him. You see old rooms with the door slightly cracked open. It's like this place hasn't been touched in centuries.
Amajiki opens one specific door that leads to what seems to be his bedroom. It's nice and clean yet feels scary either way.

You gaze upon the snowy white room waiting for Amajiki. While Amajiki has his head in his drawer, you look at his desk next to the window. There's books and papers scattered all over the desk. You pick up a book and open to a random page.

" Love is like a garden. You help it grow into a new leaf even in the toughest of times. But never fear as the garden will never give up its colors of glory. "

You re-read that line over and over again and remember the garden out in the back of the mansion. Your memory of the garden was subtle yet strong.
Amajiki taps your shoulder and you set the book down.

" Here, it's- the smallest pair that I have.. "

He hands you the clothes and you give him a big smile. His face turns bright red and looks away.

" I-I'll be out in the hallway.. "

You nod and he walks out the room closing the door behind him. You set the pants on the bed and look at the shirt. It's so big! The color has a faded blue with a mixture of black. It's so pretty you put it on anyway. You take off your clothes and put the new ones on. You spread your arms wide and can barely see your fingers on the other side.
You try on the pants and surprisingly they fit if you tighten them enough.

You then walk out of the room, Amajiki leaning on the wall beside the door. You look at him observing his stance. He's real tall and looks like a complete softy. You smile brightly with your cheeks all red. Amajiki looks at you then quickly away. He starts walking away.

You walk behind him and hug him from behind, stopping Amajiki in his tracks. He lifts up his arms looks from the side to see you smiling with joy.

" Y-you're very cuddly.. "

" Mhmm! You're really fun to hug too. "

You let go and stand beside him.
You both head down to the main room leading to the kitchen. It's quite big for a kitchen. You would've thought it'd look completely different.
Amajiki grabs some food as you watch what he's doing. He grabs a pot and boils some water.
While he waits he cuts some lettuce and celery with small slices of carrots. You want to help, so you watch the water boil.
A couple minutes pass and the water starts to boil over. You tell Amajiki the water's done as he finishes up chopping lettuce. He hands you some tea bags as he tells you what to do.
You then take the pot off the stove, pour the tea into two cups, and set the tea bags in the hot water. You look over at Amajiki and what he's doing now. He made a huge salad for the both of you, how sweet of him. You both then grab everything and go into the dining area.

" Mmm just in time! I'm starving. "

Amajiki giggles as he sets everything down on the table. You sit down on a chair next to the corner of the table, Amajiki sits right across from you.

" So, you're a tea kind of guy~? "

" Yeah.. coffee just doesn't taste normal to me. It taste like burnt gravel. "

You're eyes widen and stare at Amajiki for a few seconds.

" H-how do you know what that taste like? "

" Well when I look at things it's like I can imagine what they taste like.. "

You cover your mouth to keep yourself from laughing. Amajiki looks away embarrassed with his eyes still on you. He then sets his hands on his legs underneath the table. You take a bite of your food and smile.
Amajiki takes a deep breath.

" Do you have a- place to stay tonight..? "

You realize it's late and been with him for hours. You totally forgot that you met under poor conditions remembering he rushed you into his home.

" Actually, no I don't. I haven't even thought about that yet.. "

" Y-you could.. possibly, if you wanted, stay here with m-me..? "

You think about it for a moment in what options you might have. You just met this guy, yet he saved you. He pretty much stalked you, but he healed your wound. He grabbed you and pulled you into his house, but he also gave you new clothes.
It seems to you that he might want you to stay for a while.

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now