~ Friendly Visit ~

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Everything was right. You felt like you were in a good place without all the problems around. You didn't want anything to change.

The cold weather started to slow its pace as well as your body temperatures dropping, which is a good thing. You've been super hot recently and getting fevers cause of the warmth inside your home.

Your stomach starts to rumble and decide to make a salad, or some cut lettuce. You head downstairs to see Amajiki on the floor looking dead.
Your heart felt like stopping..

You run down and shake him rapidly only to realize that it wasn't him.

" Whoa whoa whoa there! It's just me Y/N! "

Mirio? What's he doing here? You mind wanders into the unknown, confused as ever.

" Wha-? Okay hold on, two questions. One, why are you here? And two, why do you look dead laying on the floor?! "

Mirio starts breaking a laugh.

" Sorry to worry you. Tamaki sent me here because he found rats underneath the hardwood, and because- well y'know I'm a demon he knows I like this sort of stuff. It's like lunch all over again! "

You get sickness just hearing him say that sort of stuff. You stick your tongue out and squint your eyes shut.

" That's kinda gross Mirio.. "

" I know it may be gross to you, but not to me! It's just part of nature in my book! "

He really isn't nervous to say anything, is he.. Although, he isn't wrong. He's used to this stuff.

You hear faint footsteps behind you and know exactly who it is. You hop up and turn slightly. giving Amajiki a side hug. Hearing his heart beat fast is like music to your ears, knowing he gets this nervous around you.

" H-hey bunny.. oh Mirio, did you find them yet? "

" Not exactly. They might be in the basement. Mind if I look? "

Mirio chuckles a bit. His laugh gives sweet vibes that warms the darkest parts of your heart.

" N-not at all. I'll be rooting for you. "

" Making me sound like I'm going on an adventure there, Aha! "

Mirio sets off to the basement as you and Amajiki stand there awkwardly. Even when you see him everyday and done out of the blue together, it's hard to look at him straight in the eyes for too long. Well, when he's looking back.

He licks his lips and gulps slightly. The more you stand there, the more awkward the silence becomes. Amajiki stands up straight and runs the back of his head.

" I'll- go finish cleaning up then. "

" Alrighty! I'll go check on Mirio. "

You feel like you answered so fast you sped walked to the door of the basement. You then realize you've never been down here before, and start to keep creep down there.

It's a lot brighter than you expected. You move closer in trying to find Mirio.

" I see youu~ come back here! "

You slowly turn the corner and see him kneeling on the floor reaching his arm through the wall.

" Hey! Aww, climbed the wall again. "

" Need help there? "

You giggle at the sight of him trying so hard to get rats. For a couple seconds you look at his butt and inspect it.

" Oh, like what you see~? "

You checks turn a bright red while your eyes widen.

" Yes, a-and no. I don't recall you having a little buddy hang from your behind. "

Mirio gets confused and checks behind him. He giggles and quickly grabs the rat. He squeezes it till it runs out of breath then sets it in his bag.. gross.

" So, how long did you say you've been eating rats for? "

He turns confused while looking at you.

" Uhh I wanna say over a couple thousand years or so? "

A couple thousand years?! This man is over a thousand years old?! Maybe even two thousand! Your mind is blown from how Amajiki and him can live so long. You feel a little left out.

" Hellooooo. Earth to Y/N. "

" Huh? Oh! Sorry- spaced out. "

" Aha! I noticed. "

Yep, how embarrassing. You forgot about your conversation with Mirio, you spaced out and had one with yourself.

Z" You.. two seem to be getting alone well.. "

You turn and see Amajiki walking down the stairs. He looks so perfect without his cloak on.

" Yep! I've also grabbed those rats. They're bigger than last time! "

Just.. ew Mirio..

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now