~ All Just a Blur ~

595 19 4

After that experience, it felt like it was already day. You wake up in the arms of Amajiki. Warm, cozy, with his soft skin, it fit your whole picture. No one could change your feelings for him or any other moment.

You open your eyes to find him sleeping. You didn't think vampires actually slept during night. Those stories really messed with your head.

You felt him move his legs in between yours locking you both in place.

" Good morning.. bunny.. "

Amajiki calling you bunny was the most precious thing you've ever heard him say. You liked the way your heart raced when your close to him. It's comforting to say the least. You look at him with a bright smile. He held you even closer than before.

You can hear him still breathing as heavy as last night. His nails then cling to your bare back. In a way you've never felt before, you started to fall for him even more knowing he's fell for you too.

" I just.. want to say you're mine bunny.. and I'll protect you no matter what.. "

His words seeping into your hearts core. You want him even closer and put your head under his chin. You feel obsessed with his friction beyond your back and accept defeat against his love and affection.

You lay in bed for another good thirty minutes, then suddenly felt the urge to go to the bathroom. You're so disappointed and kiss Amajikis cheek heading out of bed. You then realize you're still undressed from last night and quickly run to the bathroom.

You close the door as you hear Amajiki knock on the door. You open it slightly and see he's holding some clothes for you. You smile brightly at him taking the clothes, and shut the door once more.
Suddenly, you stop for a moment. You think about how Amajiki is so sweet and soft, it makes your heart race. You squeal in your mind hugging the clothes tightly.

As you finish up and walk out the bathroom, you go and find Amajiki. He got dressed trying to fix his collar on his shirt. You hop towards him with a big smile on your face.

" Dooo you need help? "

" Uh- yes please.. "

He turns towards you as you lift your hands to his collar. He's looking away from you embarrassed looking. After you fix his collar, you wrap your arms around his neck.

" What you thinking about? "

Amajiki then touches your sides feeling your presents in front of him.

" So... Curvy.. "

Your eyes widen blushing like mad. Amajiki realizes what he said and covers his mouth quickly. You only giggle feeling the need to tease him a bit.

" Well, you think I'm curvy~? "

" Bunny.. you- know what I mean.. "

You kiss his cheek gently as his eyes glisten smelling the moments of your sweet addictive scent. The obsession you have with one another is remarkable. Feeling his skin, his soft hair, listening to his heart beat, the cravings you have just wanting to be close to him. You feel like he's the only one who understands and will never let you be alone again.

You smile at him with rosy cheeks and let go of his neck. You pat his chest with his white coated vest with red outlining.

" I will be down in the kitchen making us some breakfast. How do sandwiches sound with some apple sauce? "

" It sounds perfect.. "

You walk out of the room and head downstairs into the kitchen. You then grab some bread with tomatoes and lettuce. The apples were already on the counter in the basket. You chop up some lettuce and cut some tomatoes. You suddenly, cut your finger with the knife. You jolt back slowly putting the knife back on the table. You try to grab something to clean up your wound.
You can hear Amajiki walk in the kitchen coming towards you.

He then placed his hands on your shoulder turning you around. You nervously giggle as he holds your hand with his. He then proceeds to lick your finger and clean the blood from your hand. You can see blue dust come from his tongue onto your finger healing your wound. You've never seen that happen before with his healing powers.

He lets go of your hand closing his eyes with his other hand over his mouth. Somehow, you enjoyed that very much, especially with the look on his face. Your eyes sparkle taking a deep breath.

" You okay bunny? It shouldn't hurt anymore.. "

You snap out of your daydreaming and back into reality. You nervously giggle scratching the back of your head.

" Y-yeah! Of course I'm okay! Thanks for- that. "

" You should be more careful. Here, I'll help you. Can you grab me the rock salt in the cabinet? "

Without hesitation, he grabs the rest of the apples left in the basket and starts cutting them. He really did get bold.. you like it. You like the strong, careful man in your line of sight making sure you're okay and well. You then lean up grabbing the salt, handing it to him.

Just watching him puts a smile on your face. You grab some plates and set them on the table. Amajiki walks in right behind you setting everything down. You still putting the silverware down on the table, get interrupted from behind with a hug from Amajiki. You giggle and lean your head back to see him.

He has his head in your neck just feeling the warm blooded body in front of him.

" What, can't get enough? "

" I just love your warmth and.. all the cuddles your bring.. "

" I'll tell you what, after we get done eating we'll go upstairs and I'll cuddle with you some more. How bout that? "

You can hear him pout from behind, letting you go.

" Okay.. "

You smile at him and sit at your seat. You feel like you always sit at this one spot, and decide to call it your own. Anyone sits here, they'll be sorry. You then pick up your spoon and take a bite of apple sauce you made. Amajiki only cut the apples for you, so you didn't cut yourself again. It was delicious.

After some lunch, you grab yours and Amajikis plates and bowls setting them in the sink. You wash them off with some soap scrubbing with a sponge. You notice Amajiki just watching you from across the counter. You know he's waiting very patiently for you to be done. You smile and set the dishes aside.

You grab Amajikis hand and lead him upstairs once more. Walking into the bedroom, Amajiki grabs you flopping down on the bed, you can't help but laugh. He then pulls the covers over the both of you cuddling up against you.

His warmth just makes your heart melt into pieces. He wraps one hand around you as you grab it hugging his arm. His nails up against the skin of your neck makes you feel something you can't explain.

All you can say is that your obsession with Amajiki is more than just two birds in a tree...

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now