~ Hero ~

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It's been a few days since the confession from Amajiki. You begin to become closer to him each passing day. You both normally just hangout and talk about weird things in your life. Both you and Amajiki seem to have a lot in common.

You've been talking to him since this morning and it's now the afternoon. You get a bit hungry and walk to the kitchen. On your way down, you can feel the sweat drip down your face. It's like a hundred degrees in this place! You look in the fridge and see nothing. You look in the cabinet and see... oh look, nothing. How delightful is that? The coolness from the fridge feels great against your skin and sit there for a moment.

" You looking for- something..? " he mumbled.

You slightly bonk your head on a shelf. You never knew it was this painful to hit your head before. You sit on the floor scratching your head.

" Ah! A-are you okay?! "

You nod in pain hoping it'll go away soon. You look up facing Amajikis worried face. You pout on the floor holding your head with one hand.

" We don't have any food Tamakiiiii.. "

" I- oh.. I guess I've been meaning to get some soon, but- today will have to do.. "

You get up slowly looking at him.

" So we uh- got a garden around here? "

" Yeah.. but not the foods I normally go for... "

You look at Amajiki with confusion. You tilt your head slightly raising an eyebrow.

" Oh! I normally go for things that are red.. such as apples and tomatoes.. I like- watermelon too.. "

You smile at him and giggle slightly.

" So where's an apple tree around here? I can hop and get some for us! "

Amajiki looks down, worried. You lean in towards him.

" Mmm what's that problem? "

" Hu..? Oh! N-nothing.. "

You look at him with confusion but let it pass anyway. You wait for a while with so much awkward in the air. This is so uncomfortable.. You sit up and lean up against the table.

" Earth to Tamakiiii. "

He jolts up and looks at you. He's sweating like he's just jumped out of bath water. You walk behind him and take his long black coat off. Amajiki holds his arms and turns around.

" Thanks.. um, the apple tree i-is past the hill point.. "

You smile as you set his coat on the kitchen counter. You hug him from behind despite knowing he's sweaty as you are too, you don't mind it. Squeezing from Amajikis arms, you look up at him with the biggest smile.

" Let's go get some apples! I'll try making a pie from one of these cook books y'got! "

Amajikis eyes lit up instantly hearing the word pie. You can tell by the way he's looking away, he has a huge grin on his face. That made your day more than anything else.

You grab everything you need, shoes, baskets, and a blanket. You thought having a picnic would be fun. You open the door with Amajiki right behind you and head off.

You walk behind him skipping like a little kid again. Amajiki still having his head set on the trail with his hands in his pockets. You stop skipping to look at him. He looks so majestic with the trees hovering over you both. You think about him more and more as your heart starts pounding. Suddenly, you stop dropping the basket and putting your hands on your cheeks. Now of all times?
Amajiki stops and turns around walking up towards you.

" Y-you okay? Are you- wanting to go back? "

You look up at him, flustered. You shake your head, pick up the basket, and keep walking beside him, holding his arm tightly.
Amajiki glances at you worriedly. You having your head down still thinking about him, you don't notice.

" I-I'm worried Y/N.. You've been acting weird lately.. "

Your grip tightens and your heart pounds rapidly.

" I've- just been thinking. "

" About what..? "

You pause for a moment retracing your words.

" Well, that day you confessed to me, I can't stop thinking about it. "

Amajikis eyes widen and looks away immediately. His face is completely red, completely speechless. You look up at him.

" Did you mean it..? "

He covers his mouth breathing heavily. You stop him and walk in front of him. Your eyes start to water with your heart racing. He looks at you.

" I- "

He gets cut off by a spear separating the two of you, stuck to a tree. You both suddenly look to your sides and see multiple hunters. Amajiki grabs your hand and runs alongside the trees. You hear screaming from behind as spears hit the trees.

You trip on an open tree root. Not again.. Amajiki looks back lifting you up, holding your hand. You sprint as fast as possible as Amajiki grabs you shoving you under a small hill. You try not breathing so hard as the hunters might hear.
A couple minutes pass, Amajiki looks to see if the coast is clear. You both get out of the little cubbyhole and wipe off your shirt.

Just as you both thought you were safe, a hunter throws a spear and strikes your calf. You fall to your knees moaning in agony. Amajiki shields you with his guard up.

" Y/N! You okay?! "

You can't speak from all the tears sliding down your face. It hurts so bad you grip a small patch of grass and tear it apart.
Amajiki looks back feeling helpless and shocked. You feel like screaming so loud, but that'll only make things worse, especially for Amajiki. He holds out his hand from behind trying to lift you up, still looking at the surrounding hunters. You hesitantly grab his hand as he yanks you up booking it out of the situation.

You feel like passing out at this point, but staying strong is key. You hold onto Amajikis shoulder scared of falling over.

Soon, Amajiki sets you down, against a tree, holding onto your hand tightly.

" This is gonna hurt, but I have to pull it out.. "

Without stuttering, Amajiki comforts you a little and grips your hand. With his other hand, he grips the spear and yanks it out. You scream while covering your mouth.

" Y'know.. this isn't h-how I planned today Tamaki. "

Amajiki casts a spell healing your wound. It still hurts but you're grateful for him. He suddenly hugs you. You can hear him sniffling from behind.

" I-I'm so glad you're okay..! "

You hug him tightly pushing him back on the ground against the grass. You guess that answers your question from earlier.
He's definitely your Hero..

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now