~ Lovely Picnic ~

667 24 2

After the incident with the humans and the big indulging hug, you sit up looking around for your basket. It's nowhere to be seen.
You try to stand but your calf still hurts from earlier. You look at your leg and can still see the scaring from the spear. It doesn't look pleasant at all.
Amajiki stands up, picking up your basket from behind you, and slowly wrapping one of your arms around him.
You nervously smile looking at him.

" I can walk Tamaki, I'll be fine. "

" I-I don't mind helping you.. and- besides I couldn't heal you all the way.. my stomach started hurting too much.. "

" It's no worries. "

Amajiki holds you, pretty much carrying you. He walks you out of the area and back on the trail.
You still wonder if he meant what he said a couple days ago. You may already have your answer, but you wanna make sure it's true and want him to say it directly.

You think of how selfish that sounds and stop Amajiki in his tracks. You suddenly hug him tightly, tearing up. Amajiki stands still, surprised.

" Y-you okay..? "

You don't answer and keep hugging him. You wanna go home and don't care about the food anymore. The outside world is no place for a bunny, especially alone. You're just happy to have Amajiki by your side.
Amajiki slides the basket on his shoulder and lifts you up. You wrap your legs around him gripping his shirt scared for dear life.

You both arrive to the apple trees and food patches. It's like a gold mine here. Amajiki sets you down by the nearest tree, and sets the basket next to you.

" I'll- grab some apples and some other foods, then we'll head straight back.. "

You nod as he takes off his shoes. You still want that picnic and this is where you're at for a while.

" Hey Tamaki? Do you mind if we have a picnic here first before we leave? "

" I-I don't see why not.. "

You smile widely grabbing your basket. Amajiki still trying to take off his shoes. He seems to be struggling. You wave your hand telling him that you'll do it for him. He sees and limps closer to you. You look up at him as his face is turned with his Rosie cheeks shining. You giggle and carefully take his shoes off.
You wonder why he had to take them off in the first place. You shake your head thinking that's a stupid thought to think, it's just shoes.

You set his shoes beside you as he takes his socks off too. What on earth is he doing? He sets his socks in his shoes and walks up to a tree. He grabs a branch, pulling himself up, and starts climbing the tree. You never noticed how buff he looked until now. He's so... strong looking... you look at him with a priceless smile.

Your face becomes red just looking at him pick apples, or in fact by climbing the tree itself. You quickly look away scrambling to get the picnic set up. You look inside the basket and grab the blue knitted cloth. You set the basket aside as Amajiki walks back towards you.
You look up at him and.. He's not wearing his shirt anymore! The more you look the more intense it gets.

" Hello..? "

Oh shoot, Amajikis been waving at you for a couple seconds and you haven't responded.
You nervously giggle.

" Ah! Yes um, what were you saying? "

" Um.. I brought some apples for us. I- also grabbed some tomatoes, potatoes, and carrots while I was right there.. "

You smile and pat the ground beside you. His eyes flutter for a moment, then walks over and sits next to you. He sets the food on the cloth and puts his shirt back on. You take the basket and grab some bread. Amajiki must've put it in there while you were looking for the blanket. You take the bread and make four slices.
Amajiki gently pats you on the shoulder.
You look over at him.

" Can- I help..? "

You nod and hand him the tomatoes. You look in the basket grabbing two plates and the package of lettuce. A salad sound nice right about now. You put a plate in front of Amajiki and set the other in front of you. You take the bag lettuce and try opening it. The plastic won't open, but you don't want Amajiki to see that you can't open a simple bag. You struggle opening it from all sides, even your nails aren't poking a hole through it. Suddenly, the bag finally opened, but now all the lettuce is everywhere.
Amajiki tries holding in a laugh.

" Do you- want me to get that for you? "

You tear a bunch of grass and place it on his head. He shakes his head quickly making all the grass fly in the air. You both start laughing.
You grab all the lettuce from the blanket, luckily it only landed on the blanket, and set it on both of the plates. Having a smile on your face, Amajiki just stares at you. You noticed, but try not to look.

Now that everything is somewhat clean and all the food and both sandwiches is placed on the plates, you both eat your meal enjoying the time spent together. You notice that Amajiki doesn't eat the apple directly, he sucks the juice and seems like the apple losses its color. You look at him eating your salad plain. You pick up some carrots and place them on your plate, but eating one straight from the bag.

Amajiki sits on his knees grabbing your leg. You jolt up a bit confused, but realizing what he was doing. You relax as he uses a healing spell to make the pain go away. It worked faster than expected. He sits back down giving you a small smile. You smile back and look away down at your plate.
You start to feel nervous as your heart starts to pound rapidly.

" You okay? "

Without hesitation, Amajiki worriedly looks at you. You can't help but feel vulnerable, but in a good way. You look straight at him.

" I always get this feeling every time we're together.. "

Amajiki gets even more worried than before.

" Like.. what? A-are you having an anxiety attack?! "

" What? No Tamaki. "

You giggle at the fact he's very worried for you. You thinks it's cute and adorable.

" I can't stop thinking about it.. the confession. It makes my heart race.. "

Amajiki sits there speechless. You don't have a clue on what to do or say. He turns to you as you look back at him.

" You're.. the first person that i feel- comfortable looking straight in the eyes.. "

Your feelings grow stronger every moment. You look at him shaking while taking a deep breath.

" Tamaki..? "

He looks up at you, confused. You can't help it anymore, and wing it with every emotion you have. You lean in and suddenly kiss Amajiki. You can tell he's shocked and nervous. You pull away slowly having your heart race faster. You don't know if that was the right thing to do.

" Um.. "

" U-Um what?..? "

He sits there for a moment having everything process through his mind.

" I never knew that.. you could be even more breath taking.. "

You giggle and kiss him again. He doesn't seem pull away, but embraces his emotions and takes you in his arms.
You both slowly let go, looking at one another. Amajiki then looks to his side.

" We um- should head back.. it's almost night, and- we don't wanna be here when it gets dark.. "

You nod and sit up gathering everything into the basket. Once packed up and ready to go, you both head back home holding others hands.

You wish this day would never end...

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now