~ Nightmare ~

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You try and process everything in your head. What would be the best decision? It took you a couple of minutes, but finally made up your mind.

" If i'm not a burden, I'd love to stay! " you said joyfully.

Amajiki has in face in his hands blushing like mad. You giggle to yourself as you walk over and hug him. He tenses a little before calming down.
You look over at the window. The sun setting pretty quickly as you watch the beautiful colors fade. It wasn't long before it was pitch black outside.

You let go of Amajiki as he gradually gets out of his chair. He looks up locking eyes with you. You smile and he covers half his face with one hand. He nervously laughs.

You pick up everything off the table and set it in the kitchen. Everything was in a bowel that already had a lid to it, so you just put it back in the fridge. Amajiki comes around the corner walking to the main room. You follow quickly behind him.

" Oh! Would I get my own room? "

Tamaki nods at the bottom of the stairs. You and him walk up the stairs leading to his bedroom. There's a room across from his that he opens, turning on the bright light.
The room is very misty and dusty, but you could mange.

" Sorry it's such a mess.. if I'd known I'd have company I would've cleaned a- lot sooner.. " he said quietly looking at the messy room.

" It's no big deal. I can clean it tomorrow morning. Tonight, I'll just shake the sheets and call it good for now. " you say smiling confidently.

Amajiki quietly giggles to himself. You go and run up to the bed, jumping on it. Dust flies everywhere and you quickly get off.

" I didn't think— it was gonna be that b—ad" you say trembling getting cut off by a cough.

Amajiki walks away while you figure what to do with all this dust. He then comes back with different sheets, blankets, and opens the window. He takes the sheets and blankets off the bed and puts the new ones on. You help him make the bed putting all the necessary blankets on.
You're so excited you jump on the bed again, this time no dust pumping out.
Amajiki looks at you while you have fun with your new bed.

" I love it! Oh it's so soft and comfy! "

" I-I'm glad you like it so far.. "

You sit up looking at him leaning on the door frame. Amajiki staring at the floor with a slight smile on his face.

" You look pretty tired.. We'll call it a night and get some rest.. "

" Mhmm! See you tomorrow Tamaki. Good night! "

" Night.. Y-Y/N.. "

He then closed your door. You could hear him open his door and quietly close it again. You pull the covers over you as you get into bed.
Before you know it, everything goes black.

Your vision becomes tainted with blurry figures rushing by you. You look around confused. You're laying on the ground all dirty with blood markings around your shirt. Everyone screaming for help as the sky becomes cloudy. You look around, you see your home in the distance as the sky becomes more dark. Your body becomes numb and rush to your home. You open the door hovering over the frame of the door. Everyone's gone..


You turn around. A human figure surrounded by your families bodies laying on the ground.. not moving an inch. The sky red and black, no shining colors to be seen. The figure walks towards you slowly with a chainsaw.

No.. No..! Get Away From Me!! You're not real! None of this is! You're just a stupid dream!

You suddenly wake up in cold sweat. Oh- it was just a dream! The room is freezing though. You forgot to close the window Amajiki opened. You take a deep breath and get up to close the window. Once the window's closed, you think for a moment longer. You wipe your eyes.
Are you crying? Tears fall slowly down your face uncontrollably.

You grab a small blanket and head out of the room. You're in front of Amajikis door. You knock on the door quietly in case he's asleep. Soon after, Amajiki opens the door.

" Y-Y/N..? Are you okay? "

You stand there for a moment not knowing what to say to him. You're so tired and just want some sleep, but you've been having that dream quite frequently and it's getting on your nerves. Instead, you hug him lightly. Your strength isn't useful right now and is missing within your muscles.

" Can I sleep with you for the rest of tonight Tamaki..? " you say sheepishly.

" Uhm.. yeah- sure. That's fine. "

He leads you to his bed. Your eyes can barely stay open. You let go of him and flop down on his bed. Amajiki goes on the other side and lays down next to you. You roll on your side facing him. You yawn contagiously while you mind separates from reality.

Amajiki stares up at the ceiling making up shapes with every little crack.
The room gets cold while the blankets aren't helping at all. You cuddle up next to Amajiki. He flinches and looks at you. You're fast asleep.

Amajiki cuddles up next to you, hesitating to put his arm around you. He then closes his eyes embracing every moment, and falls asleep with you in his arms.

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now