~ Jealousy Rage ~

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Laying in your bed with Amajiki feels like a dream. You turn around facing him. You feeling like you could sleep here forever, looking at Amajiki with shining crystal like eyes. He wraps his arm around you caressing your long puffy ears. This makes you excited and slightly move around. You leaning your head back into his hand lifting your leg over his. You smile at him feeling sleepy.

Suddenly, you hear a faint knock coming from downstairs. You begin to become wide awake in cold sweat, shivers going down your spine. You get up looking at the door.

" Did you hear that..? "

" Hear what? "

It must've been your imagination. You slowly lay back down getting closer to Amajiki. You close your eyes trying forget about it. You think you're just overreacting and paranoid about what happened in the past. Amajiki comforts you holding you close. You hear that same knocking again, except this time Amajiki heard it too.

You get scared getting up again holding the bed sheets closer to you, looking at the door.

" Tamaki What was that? "

" Stay here I'll be right back. I'll.. go check an see what it was. "

" W-wait! I'm coming with you.. I don't wanna be alone up here.. "

He holds out his hand for you. You grab it quickly hugging his arm as you both head out the room. You get to the stairs as Amajiki silently tells you to stay here. You don't want to, but he insisted and stayed behind next to the stairs.

You hear the knock again, and see a shadow at the window hearing someone say hello. The door then breaks open. You get back behind the wall so whoever it was didn't see you. You cover your mouth trying to look to see Amajiki. You couldn't see him anywhere. He must be behind the stairs on ground level.

" Hellooo? Anyone he- OW! "

" Shut up, you're gonna get us caught dunce face! "

" Hey Bakugou, why did you wanna come here anyway? It's pretty spooky if you ask me. "

Listening to there conversation, you learn that the blonde guys name is Bakugou, the red haired boy is Kirishima, and the yellow haired guy is Kaminari. Thinking about why they're here, you suddenly see a bat hover above the front door. You wonder if Amajiki could turn into a bat too. But enough of that, you're worried for him more than you are about yourself.

" You shouldn't be here.. "

" Huuuh? What was that? "

That voice belonged to Amajiki, but he was nowhere you could find. Wait a second.. you look closer at the bat on the front door. That is Amajiki!
You forgot about where you were and what was happening that you came out from behind the wall. You foolishly spaced out.

" Hey! Who's that?! "

" You idiot! "

You look towards the bottom of the stairs seeing that one of them was climbing up them to get to you. You step back tripping over the rug and onto the floor. The blonde haired boy grabs you by the hands and lifts you up. Your heart races feeling trapped among this guy. This is not where you want to be right now.

" You're not bad looking for a bunny, aye? Might make you my- "

Suddenly, the bat comes up and turns into a man looking down with his long black cloak. Bakugou holds you closer by the waist making you feel uncomfortable.

Amajiki looks up with glowing purple eyes ready to spark out of rage. The man bakugou still holding you laughs and backs up impatiently.

" Let. Her. Go. "

" Or what? You gonna kick me out of the house? How pathetic can you actually be? "

He looks furious now. You wish this guy would just listen to Amajiki, and for your benefit as well to be let go. You can hear Amajiki start to growl and clench his fists. You feel like this just happened oh so quickly and want it all to end. You can see Amajiki showing his teeth slightly, you know he wants to bite them so badly, but do they honestly deserve it?

You try quickly think of a plan to get out of the situation. You think about kicking The blondies foot and making him fall, but the rug is sturdy and you fell because you're clumsy. You think about hitting his face, but that'll just make him upset and even worse, Amajiki might get hurt trying to defend you. Biting him won't help either.
You think of the best plan out of all of them and decide to go with it.

You take a deep breath and tap the guys shoulder. He looks at you with the biggest smug looking grin you have ever seen. You go in front of him looking at him innocently. You can already feel Amajikis sadness pouring through your veins. Your heart aches, but you you can feel this guys smooth scaly like skin? He's... a dragon!

You rethink your plan, but this guy holding you close holding your face isn't helping. This isn't working! You think to yourself and that there's no time to waste, and knee this guy in the groin area, running toward Amajiki into his arms. Your heart pounds with scarce and adrenaline running around your body. Amajiki holds you close as the blondie falls slowly to the ground.

" What... What the Fuck- is wrong with you?! "

" You dare come close to my bunny again, your life will end without any mercy. "

You realize that Amajiki just kind stood there. The others look at you both nervously giggling and grab the blondie heading out of the house.

Amajiki sighs in relief but he still looks tense and furious.

" Sorry I- did nothing bunny.. I was thinking of scenarios that would always get you hurt and.. I knew if I tried getting close he would do something bad to you.. Dragons are- always so nasty.. "

" Wait, how did you know he was a dragon? "

Questions flew in your head left and right making you get a headache.

" The red and yellow boys.. I've seen them before flying around here.. the other guy I've only seen once, if you- haven't noticed.. "

You giggle and kiss his cheek hugging him tightly.

" You talk too much Tamaki. "

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now