~ Sweet Tooth ~

696 19 2

⚠️ Hi persons, It's me again. This chapter is in fact a lemon chapter.
If you don't want to read it I advise you to skip this chapter. In other words, enjoy! ⚠️

You get home finally walking through the door. It's been a long day and you feel like dropping to the floor, not wanting to move. You take your basket and walk to the kitchen. You open the cabinet grabbing all of the food from the basket, and put it away.

It's still pretty hot in here, and you start to sweat.
You turn around looking at the entrance of the kitchen, and see Amajiki just leaning against the wall. You think he's just as tired as you are and walk towards him. You yawn contagiously.

" C'mon. Off to bed with you. "

You take him by the hand and lead him upstairs. You walk through the hall and open his bedroom door. Amajiki tightens his grip and covers his face. You open his closet picking out a loose tank top and shorts, handing them to him.

" It's still pretty warm in here so I- "

Amajiki suddenly hugs you breathing on your neck. You drop his clothes on the floor, a bit shocked. You hug him back as he grips the back of your shirt even tighter.

" Um, Tamaki? What's wrong? "

" P-please don't look.. "

You stand still, having your eyes closed.

" Don't look at what? "

He moves closer to you as you suddenly feel what he was talking about. Your eyes open and widen as Amajiki shakes up a storm. You hesitantly hug him again. Your face becomes red with embarrassment.

" Are you nervous? "

Amajiki doesn't answer, but you could pretty much tell that he is. You loosen your grip and lean away. You give him a soft smile and caress his cheek. He holds your hand closing his eyes in fear. You think it's cute and want to move further.

You lift your leg up on his thigh. You could hear him breathing heavily, it makes your heart race faster. You lean closer to him, lifting yourself up in his arms. He grabs and holds you in the air by your legs. You notice he can't stop looking at you, your heart beats faster just by that. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him softly.

You feel so relaxed being held by him. His skin is so soft to the touch, it's irresistible. Amajiki slowly takes his hand and slides it up your shirt. You gently hold his head feeling so many emotions run through your body, with every second of your kiss. He walks over to the bed and lays you down, breaking the kiss with a trail of saliva. He covers the both of you with the blanket as he puts his head against yours.

" I- don't want to go too far.. just tell me if you- feel uncomfortable.. "

" I'll make sure of it, I promise.. "

Amajiki holds you close bringing you further up on the bed.

" You're a lot more bold today Tamaki. "

" I-I try to be.. or have been.. "

You giggle kissing him again. You bring both your hands in Amajikis shirt, taking it off. He's so close to you, you can already feel his member through his pants. Amajiki sits you up just enough to slowly take your shirt off. You now only in your bra. He kisses your chin down to your neck. You let out a soft moan. His hands wandering your body makes you more heated by the minute. You gently grip his back barely using your nails. You can feel his pointed fangs run against your skin. Amajiki grips the bed sheets tightly, stopping while having his head rest on your chest.

" I- don't know if I can do this.. the sensation from your scent kills me.. and I don't want to hurt you.. "

" If you're saying what I think you're saying, then do it. I- don't mind. "

Amajiki jolts his head up, worried.

" It might hurt you.. "

" I don't mind feeling pain for a minute. "

You gently smile as he hugs you tightly slowly going back to your neck, breathing heavily.

" I'm.. sorry if it hurts.. "

You hold him tightly feeling his fangs sharpen. Suddenly, he quickly closes his mouth on your neck. It, however, didn't hurt at all. If anything it made you more heated than before, slightly giving out a soft moan.
You can hear him try not to moan himself, but fails to keep quiet.

He lets go slowly licking the bloody mess from your neck, clean. He moves further unbuckling your bra, lowering his head. Your heart races faster just thinking about it. Soon, he lowers himself all the way down to your pants, looking up at you taking them off. You gently bite your bottom lip looking back at him. Once they're fully off, he hesitantly teases you by kissing your thighs first.

He moves closer and closer, suddenly hitting your weak spot. You lean your head back giving small moans. You push and pull on the pillow above you as Amajiki takes a liking to your new taste. He suddenly takes his hands and pulls his pants down enjoying every moment. He takes your legs and holds them close to him. You can't bare the feeling of him being down there. You can't resist anymore and let loose, letting out a long moan.

You pant heavily as he comes up towards you. He kisses you as you lift your leg on his back, gently rubbing up against him. He lays his head on your shoulder, breathing heavily on your neck and slides his member into you. You both moan loudly, you softly biting Amajikis ear.

" O-o-oh g-god... "

You can tell he likes you biting his ear, and continue doing so. He slowly thrusts into you getting faster and faster. You hold him tightly moaning in his ear constantly. You hold his head keeping him close, wanting him closer. You both get close on feeling the climax build up so much, you both release. You both let out a long sigh.

Amajiki slowly takes out and gently lays on top of you. Your heart's beating so fast you don't know what to do. You feel exhausted and set Amajiki aside of you. He rolls over having one of his arms around you. You cuddle up close to him as your head rest on his chest. You look up at him kissing him one last time before bed.

" I love you Tamaki.. "

" I- love you too Y/N.. "

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 - 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘹 𝘉𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now