The State

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N), get up!"

You were shaken awake by a rough hand on your shoulder, and sitting up so quickly you almost fell off the side of the small bed, you cursed under your breath, eyes still blurry with sleep, as they focused on the panicked face of your roommate.

"Solar-" You started to whine, wanting to ask her why she was being so loud and rough with you first thing in the morning, but before you could get the words out, she was shoving your personal cell phone into your palm with a frantic motion.

"(Y/N). Your phone has been ringing off the hook. I wasn't snooping, but I'm pretty sure they're all from Rosa." She rushed out, nervously biting her bottom lip between perfect teeth, as she jittered anxiously from one socked foot to the next beside your bedside. "I think something's wrong."

You were instantly awake, and a sour, scared feeling was instantly blossoming in your stomach-heavy and solid, like a cold brick of dread.

"Thanks, Sol." You breathed out, sliding open the screen of your phone, and instantly noting all the missed calls-one after the other-were indeed from your mother's caretaker.

You felt your heart start to pound against the walls of your chest as you clicked her icon, and waited, the ringing echoing through the earpiece as if it was from underwater-sounding eerie and foreboding.

After what seemed like an eternity-of Solar staring at you, of you waiting breathlessly, of the phone ringing endlessly-Rosa finally picked up on the end of the line, and when she spoke, her voice was watery and she sounded as if she had been crying.

"(Y/N)?" She asked tentatively, and you heard Leo's noisy fire truck-the one he had gotten for his second birthday-go off in the background of her call-before the sound of a door shutting silenced the cheery children's siren. "Thank god you called me back."

"What's wrong?" You asked, not even waiting to hear an explanation, as you slid from the edge of the bed, shaking your head at a confused Solar, before you reached to pull on your sneakers, not even bothering to change out of your sleep shorts and old, ratty t-shirt. "What happened?"

"It's Hana. She-" Rosa's voice pulled away from the phone briefly, and you heard her saying something in a low voice to your nephew, before her voice returned, and it sounded as if she was cupping her mouth around the phone, as she whispered, "She's gone."

"What?" You asked, completely caught off guard, as your finger's stilled on your shoelaces, and you stared blankly ahead at the floor beneath your still unclothed feet. "What do you mean she's gone?"

A siren was going off in your head now-so loud that you could barely hear your own voice-and it didn't belong to Leo's toy fire truck.

"She left a note. I got here this morning and Leo-he's fine-but he was in his playpen and-" Rosa trailed off, and you could hear her fighting back tears as she sniffled into the phone.

"Okay. I'm coming. Stay right there." You intoned seriously, realizing as you said it that it was a stupid sentiment. Where were they going to go? But also realizing your overly surprised brain couldn't come up with anything else in the moment, as you pulled on your second sneaker and grabbed your purse from beside the bed, dodging Solar, who was still watching you warily. "Stay there, Rosa. I'll be there as fast as I can. I'm leaving now."

Clicking off the phone and throwing it into your purse, Solar called out as you ripped open the door, "What's happening? Tell me, (Y/N)!"

You owed her an explanation. You knew that. But you also couldn't do it right now. Not when you needed to see for yourself what Rosa was telling you. Not until you knew it was true.

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