The Admission

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Everything went back to normal.

You continued to work and BamBam sent you an overload of pictures of Leo every day doing new things-jumping on his racecar bed, playing with the cats, taking Holly on walks with Yoongi-and everything seemed like it was finally, finally going to be okay.

But things with Taehyung-they didn't go back to normal-no, in fact, they got better if possible.

And one of the best side effects of your blossoming relationship-though you admitted it was petty-was seeing the sour look on the receptionist's face every time you showed up to the clinic.

You entered the medical office and Taehyung was already waiting for you on his lunch break, talking to said girl about something, and turning when you entered with an enormous boxy grin on his face.

"There she is." He took your free hand and pulled you into a spin, before he swept you into a hug. "You're late, sweetheart."

You laughed, and couldn't help but sneak a look in the direction of reception, where she was watching the two of you interact with a glare. You ignored her as you turned back to Taehyung.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Kim, but this took a little bit longer to package up than originally planned." You apologized teasingly, holding up the carefully bubble wrapped painting by your side. "It looks amazing though."

"I can't wait to see it." Taehyung glanced up at the charcoal painting hanging in the waiting room you had painted all those nights ago. "My office hasn't felt complete without a matching set."

You grinned as he took the painting from you, and checking his watch with a slightly remorseful look on his face, asked softly, "See you at my place tonight?"

"Can't wait." You leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips, and the taste of his vanilla chapstick lingered on your tongue even when you pulled away.

As you turned to leave, you glanced over your shoulder and called out, "Oh, hey, I forgot to tell you. I'm seeing Shilo this afternoon. Anything you want me to tell him?"

Taehyung waved his hand in your direction, his other stuffed into the pocket of his lab coat. "Just tell him the usual. That we're doing fine without him and I don't even miss the old geezer."

You laughed and got a boxy grin in response, and after another little wave, you left the office, with one last smug glance in the receptionist's glowering direction.


"And how is our boy?" Shilo asked conversationally later that afternoon, as he waved his maid to pour you both another cup of tea, sitting outside on his private patio, the soft summer breeze just starting to pick up.

You glanced up from your glass, and offered him the hint of a smile. "You know Kim Taehyung, Shilo, always working."

Shilo chuckled, and taking another sip of his newly steaming drink, settled back into his chair with a sigh, and a swift, thoughtful glance over the back garden. "I do indeed. I've told him time and time again, he's gonna work himself to death without ever enjoying the pleasures of life."

You hummed in affirmation, and there was a brief moment of comfortable silence, filled only with the sound of the breeze, the buzzing of bees, and the twittering of birds.

Then, crossing your legs and reaching forward to set down your teacup, you sighed, and said seriously, "I have spent my entire life worrying about other people. Always." You glanced up and met Shilo's thoughtful gaze, before you let your eyes fall and hold onto a bee busily humming among the rose bushes. "But with Taehyung, it's different. It's constant. 'Is he getting enough sleep? Is he eating enough? Is he being safe?' You know?"

The Girlfriend Package (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now