The Backseat

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As soon as the headlights from Taehyung's car swept across the dark interior of your own car, your fingers were fumbling for the handle of the door and you were blindly stumbling across the distance toward him, not able to handle being alone with your thoughts for even one moment longer.

He met you halfway, your bodies colliding, and it wasn't until you felt his arms go around you, that you realized you were trembling violently from head to toe.

"Shit, sweetheart." He murmured with concern, trying to tug his jacket up and around the two of you as he pulled you backward with him toward his car, still running where he had left it. "You're gonna freeze out here."

He reached back to tug open the door with his free hand, and then dragged you, your legs feeling numb and useless, into the backseat with him, before leaning around you to close the door once more.

Instantly, the warm air from the heater filling the car, made you think just a little clearer, though you had yet to stop shaking.

"Come here." Taehyung intoned firmly, lifting his arm so you could slide against him, as he took his jacket, now removed, and tucked it around your still shivering body.

You realized, oddly, in that moment, as your fingers tangled desperately into the soft material of his sweater, that he was wearing the same cable knit, cream top he had been wearing the day you had met him.

"This is so stupid." You managed to stutter out, teeth still chattering, lips feeling oddly thick and immobile.

You suddenly felt ashamed that you had dragged Taehyung out at midnight for a little breakdown over something you had been preparing for for a long time.

"What?" Taehyung asked, and you glanced up at him, as he grinned at you, white teeth flashing, messy, sleep tousled curls a dark halo surrounding his head. "Sitting in the backseat of my car with me?"

You couldn't muster a smile in response.

"No." You shook your head, feeling your muscles start to relax and stop trembling the longer you sat in the warm interior of Taehyung's car. "The fact that you had to come out here in the middle of the night and the fact that I was upset enough that I called you. It's stupid."

There was silence for a moment or two, and you suddenly wondered if he thought it was stupid too-the fact that an escort he had only known a few short weeks was calling him in the middle of the night as if he were some sort of lifeline for her, when in reality, he owed her nothing.

Taehyung sighed, and his fingers drummed across your shoulder, an almost agitated movement, before he leaned his head back onto the backseat, and without looking at you, asked seriously, "Is that how you think I feel? Inconvenienced by you?"

You were caught off guard by the change of tone in his voice, but shrugging, you picked at a stray thread on his sweater, avoiding his gaze, as you murmured, "I dunno. I wouldn't blame you if you did. You don't owe me anything, and honestly, if I were you, I probably wouldn't have come."

Another beat of silence, and then Taehyung straightened, turning to face you, knees touching yours on the seat, as you sat up to look at him in stunned surprise at the sudden change of atmosphere.

"Do you really think that because you were forced into a job that others look down upon, that that makes you, you as an actual person, you as (Y/N), any less worthy of time or affection or care?" His eyes flashed dangerously as the words tumbled from his mouth, and he reached up to rake an irritated hand through his curls as he stared at you, waiting for your response.

You had never seen Taehyung fired up before-dare you say, even angry-except for the day when he had defended you from Bravo in his driveway, and in that moment, staring into his darkened gaze, you didn't know if you liked being on the receiving end of such intense emotions.

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