The Beginning

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2 Months Later

"And you haven't heard anything from him at all?" BamBam queried as he took another sip of his coffee, eyes dark and eyebrows creased over his pretty features.

"Nothing." You shrugged, as if the words didn't still hurt as much as if you had seen Taehyung yesterday. "Not a word."

"That doesn't feel right." BamBam noted seriously, his free hand reaching out to cover your own, which twisted anxiously in your lap. When you looked at him, he offered you the hint of a smile, as if to try and calm your fears. "I don't know him well, but from what Yoongi has told me that Jin has told him, Kim Taehyung doesn't seem like the type of person to just drop someone he cares about."

"That's what I thought." You almost whispered, pain suddenly constricting around your windpipe and making it hard to speak, let alone breathe. You glanced over to where Yoongi was pushing a giggling Leo on the swings, and your throat relaxed enough at the sight to continue talking. "But what I did was unforgivable. So I can't blame him."

BamBam was silent for a moment, his gaze following your own over to Leo and Yoongi, and then he shook his head, squeezing your fingers between his. "I know you think that, but you had no idea. And you would have never done something intentionally to hurt him. And I'm sure, deep down, Taehyung knows that."

You sniffled, because suddenly tears were threatening, and offered BamBam a watery smile, all you could manage at the moment. "I dunno. Maybe he's gotten over me. And that's probably for the best. I shouldn't hold him back."

"That's bullshit."

You jumped slightly at Yoongi's voice as he appeared in front of the two of you, a happily wind blown Leo in his arms, chubby cheeks red and lips still pulled back into a joyful smile. You wished you could have the innocence and happiness of a child back, before everything went wrong.

BamBam gave Yoongi a harsh stare for swearing in front of their son, and Yoongi rolled his eyes, before covering Leo's ears sloppily with his hands and saying, slightly quieter this time, but no less fervently, "That's bullshit." He released Leo, setting him down to play in the wood chips at his feet, and stared you down hard. "When you love someone as deeply as I'm pretty sure Taehyung loves you, you don't ever 'get over' them. You 'move on' but that's completely different. You move on with life and day to day idiosyncrasies, but you never truly get over someone you love. You always think about them and that never goes away."

You hummed under your breath to let you know you appreciated his words, but couldn't quite speak at the moment, and reached up to swipe at your eyes with the hem of your jacket.

Leo came over to you, reaching up to pull your hands away from your face with a worried expression. "Why is auntie sad?" He asked somberly, dark eyes framed with dark lashes staring up at you with concern. "Why are you sad, auntie?"

"I'm okay Leo." You hurried to assure him, sweeping the little boy up into your arms and burying your nose in his dark curls, breathing in the scent of cold air and shampoo that clung to him. "I just miss someone. That's all."

Leo pushed back so he could stare at you once more, and reaching up with chubby gloved fingers, he offered you a toothy smile. "You want to get hot cocoa, auntie? Hot cocoa will make you feel warm and better."

You laughed, a slightly watery sound, and hugged your nephew to you tightly once more. "That's a fantastic idea, buddy. Let's go get some cocoa."


"I swear, if I see him, I'll kill him on the spot." Solar said heatedly, watching from the kitchen counter as you packed your bag for the night.

"He has a right to be upset, Sol." You replied distractedly, as you carefully went through what you had packed one more time, making sure you hadn't forgotten anything in the drawers of your room.

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