The Call

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Sitting at the table with Moonbyul and Namjoon, who had protested, with embarrassment and a laugh from his wife, that he didn't dance, you glanced up from watching the people on the dance floor as Taehyung arrived back from the bar, handing you a glass as he said over the sound of the music, "Your drink, my lady."

Glancing down at the bourbon on the rocks he had handed you, you cocked your eyebrow at him and when he shot you a curious look, as if to ask why you were staring, you grinned, holding the glass aloft, as you said, tone impressed, "You remembered."

He scoffed, as if he was offended you would think he would forget, his tone holding mock hurt, as he replied, "Of course I remembered."

You took a sip of the alcohol, and as it burned its way down your throat, you felt a smile slip across your lips again as you caught sight of the bright concoction held in Taehyung's own hand. "And I see you finally got that Cosmo." You commented, amusement clear in your voice, a laugh hidden just behind your words.

"Thanks to you," Taehyung held the glass up to you in a mock salute, before taking a sip and setting it down on the table. "I have learned that fruity alcohol is something I can actually enjoy."
Laughing, you took another swig from your glass, as Taehyung held out a hand to you, eyes sparkling, as he asked seriously, "Care to dance with me, my lady?"

"Of course." You set your own drink down beside his own and took his offered hand, letting him lead you through the crush of bodies to an open spot on the dance floor, just as a slower song with a melancholy beat began to play from the speakers. "Just be careful of your injury." You teased, as his other arm went around your waist, pulling you against him.

"Ah, yes." Taehyung raised a brow, as you began to sway to the beat of the song, one hand held against his chest, fingers twined with his own, your other around his neck, his gauze wrapped palm resting against the small of your back as he hugged you close to his own body. "Speaking of that, you're pretty quick on your feet."

"You think so?" You inquired as you glanced up at him, corners of your lips quirking at the impressed look in his dark eyes. "Does that scare you? That I can lie so easily?"
"No." Taehyung replied without missing a beat, steering you clear of another couple as you continued to dance beneath the twinkling fairy lights strung overhead. "Quite the opposite actually." He grinned boxily at you, lips pulled back to reveal white teeth, dark curls falling into his eyes, causing your heart to thud uncomfortably in your chest as he stared down at you, before saying in a lower tone, "I think it's incredibly sexy."
You knew he was teasing you, but you couldn't help the flop that your stomach did at his words.

Playing off the moment, matching his teasing tone, you rested your chin on his shoulder, so that he could no longer look into your face, as you said jokingly, "Ah, a man who likes to live dangerously. I like it."
He chuckled, and you felt the vibrations in his chest, pulled against him, bodies curved together, and you tried to ignore the butterflies swarming deep within you, as silence fell between the two of you, the words of the song echoing into the vacant space, as you swayed to the dance.

Glancing up from Taehyung's shoulder, you caught sight of the happy couple across the dance floor-Constance pulled close against Jungkook, as he leaned down to whisper something in her ear, which made her giggle and blush.

They looked other worldly in that moment-glowing and ecstatic and so in love.

Your musings were interrupted as Taehyung turned his head slightly, his nose nuzzling into your hair, as he asked, softly, gently, breath warm against your cheek, "What are you thinking about?"

"They look so happy." You whispered back, and felt Taehyung turn his head once again to follow your gaze over to Jungkook and Constance, who were still completely and utterly lost in one another.

The Girlfriend Package (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now