The Decision

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"Damn. You're incredibly hot. Have I already mentioned that?"

You grinned, as he pulled back from you, just slightly-his hot, needy lips leaving the skin of your neck cold-to look down at you, the blues of his irises overcome with the black of his blown pupils. "Yes, Callum. You've mentioned it. Multiple times actually since we got into bed."

"I can't help it." He groaned, broad bare chest still heaving slightly from his pent up anticipation and desire, as your hands ran up said skin and into his hair at the base of his neck. "Shit, you're so hot it's driving me crazy."

The grin died slightly from your lips, and he leaned down to cover your mouth with his once more-the kiss sloppy and rushed-as his fingers begin to make their way down the length of your body.

But suddenly, you couldn't make yourself kiss him back. Not that he seemed to notice or be bothered in the slightest.

Because to guys like Callum, you were simply just that-hot. An object to be used for their needs. An exterior body.

"You just light up when you talk about art. And it's something I find incredibly attractive. How passionate you are about what you love."

Taehyung's words suddenly appeared loudly in your head-the way he had watched you talk about art with a slight smile on his face, the way he he had never once told you that you were "hot," instead, using words like "beautiful" and "attractive" and "passionate."

And suddenly, you imagined what it would be like to have Taehyung's dark, silken curls wrapped around your fingers, to have Taehyung on top of you in this moment, smiling his boxy grin down at you, as he playfully teased you, before fitting his lips to yours and exploring every inch of your body carefully and meticulously with his long fingers.

"You okay, baby?"

Your train of thought was broken, and you blinked away the shattered images of Taehyung quickly, as you managed to paste a smile onto your lips and meet Callum's gaze, forcing laughter into your voice, as you hurried to say, "Yeah, no, I'm fine! Just thinking about you."

The lie slipped easily through your teeth and tasted bitter on your tongue, as you pulled him down to you once more, and silenced any further thoughts or talking.


The next morning, you slipped out of the bed quietly, hoping not to wake the slumbering man beside you, and breathing a sigh of relief when he didn't stir, you gathered up your discarded clothing from the bedroom floor, eager to leave.

Slipping your sweater over your bra, you pulled the bedroom door shut softly, and tiptoed down the hall of the large, swanky apartment. In the kitchen, you helped yourself to an iced americano from the waiting fridge shelf, and grabbing the money that had been left for you in an envelope on the kitchen island and slipping it into your purse, you moved to the front door.

"Dammit." You swore under your breath, struggling slightly to balance on one foot as you pulled your heel into the straps of the stilettos you had been wearing the night before. "Sneakers next time." You reminded yourself in a whisper, before you took one last look for any more of your things, and left the apartment.

The drive to your old childhood house was uneventful. You turned up the music loud and sang along, the windows down as the wind rustled your hair, and you didn't want to admit it, but it was all a vain attempt to wash a certain plastic surgeon from your mind.

You needed to focus today. You'd see Kim Taehyung tomorrow.

Pulling into the drive, you whistled a tune to yourself as you walked up to the front door and pushed inside, but you were caught off guard by the sound of loud voices coming from the living room.

The Girlfriend Package (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now