The Dinner

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Following closely behind Taehyung as the pair of you entered the crowded bar later that night, the swirling lights bouncing off the walls, music pounding through the floor, dancing bodies crushed together into throngs, you were suddenly very glad that you had come with someone.

There were always one too many single, creepy men eyeing ladies at the clubs on a Friday night.

Stepping a little more quickly to close the distance between you and Taehyung, you slid your hand into his, fingers intertwining easily and casually with his own, and when he glanced back at you over his shoulder, brow raised questioningly, you shrugged, and pressed against him, saying over the music, "When I commit to something, I don't half ass it."

"I'll remember that." He grinned, the boxy like expression crinkling his eyes, bright beneath locks of onyx curls that tumbled over his forehead. He pulled you up beside him, hands still locked together, and leaned down, saying loudly, motioning to a back booth, "I think I see them over there."
He pulled you along, weaving the both of you in and out of groups of college girls dancing, and chanting along with the music, and when you reached the booth in the back corner that he had been referring to, you were relieved to see that it was slightly quieter back here, at least quiet enough that you didn't have to yell to be heard.

Instantly, as the group of people at the table came into your view, the two men who had been sitting on either side were on their feet, eyes sparkling, mouths open in greeting, as the shorter of the two called out, "Hey, there he is! Man of the hour!"

"Jiminie! It's been too long, man!" Tae released his hold on your hand, stepping forward to throw his arms around the smaller man, as they slapped each other's backs, both beaming as if they hadn't seen each other in years.

"We were beginning to think you stood us up." The man, Jiminie?, chuckled, reaching up to ruffle Taehyung's hair as he looked at him fondly.

"Nah, just took awhile to get through the crowds." Taehyung replied, glancing over at the other man, who stood beside the booth, watching the exchange between the two old friends quietly, a slight smile on his full lips. "Namjoon, you haven't changed a bit." Taehyung said appreciatively, as he hugged the taller man, whose quiet, reserved expression didn't change, although his smile widened as he returned the gesture of affection.

"Kim Taehyung. Glad to be back in your part of town." Namjoon said, his voice low and deep, dark dimples appearing on his cheeks as his lips moved with his words.

"All right, All right. This is boring." Jiminie whined, stepping up to the two men, his hands going on both their shoulders as he glared at Taehyung. "Come on. We all know why we're here." He not so subtly motioned with his chin in your direction, where you stood slightly back from the group, clutch in hand, waiting.

"Ah yes, you haven't changed a bit, Jiminie." Taehyung laughed, and he stepped back, reaching behind him, hand outstretched, to capture your fingers in his once more as he pulled you up to stand beside him. Glancing down at you, his eyes shone with soft fondness, his lips pulled back in a soft smile, and you had to admit, he was a good actor. "Guys, I'd like you to meet (Y/N)."

"You lied about how pretty she is, Tae." One of the women, still sitting at the table, spoke up from behind the two men for the first time. Leaning around Namjoon's tall frame, sharp eyes focused on your face, she offered you a bright smile before sticking out her tongue at Taehyung as she complained, "She's way too pretty for someone like you."
"Oh, no." You waved your hand, laughing self consciously, as you addressed the unknown woman, a slight blush warming your cheeks. It was all about the sell. "You're too kind."

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