The Secret

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Taehyung must have told his dad ahead of time what you both drank, because you'd never been more thankful than in that moment to have alcohol already waiting for you.

"Dad, this is (Y/N)." Taehyung was introducing you around the curve of the bar, but you heard his words as if they were spoken around cotton plugging your ears. You were aware of the feel of his hand sliding around your waist, but you couldn't seem to bring yourself to look at him.

"(Y/N)." Taehyung's father's voice was steady and warm, and honestly, you didn't know how he was keeping it together so well, because you felt like you were going to fall apart at any moment. He offered you a hand across the table-with a tight smile that didn't quite meet his eyes-and you managed to grip and shake it weakly. "I've heard a lot about you. I'm Yenjun, Taehyung's father."

The name made you cringe-and hoping Taehyung hadn't noticed you flinch-you gulped down the last dregs of your drink, before placing the empty glass back down onto the table.

"Pleasure to meet you." You ground out between your teeth, offering him all that you could muster of a smile in return, not quite meeting the gaze of his dark eyes, so much like Taehyung's.

Dammit. Why hadn't you noticed? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Going fast and furious tonight, eh sweetheart?" Taehyung teased under his breath, as he tilted his head toward your already empty drink glass, and his eyes-the same caramel color of his father's-twinkled behind his glasses, making your stomach twist into knots.

"It's Friday night." You shrugged halfheartedly, and then slid the glass toward him across the table, careful not to make eye contact with Yenjun standing across from you. You forced the beginnings of a smile onto your face, and managed to swipe a few fingers along Taehyung's arm. "Get me another?"

Taehyung nodded, and with a slight grin in your direction and then his father's, he moved to leave the table, empty glass engulfed in the long fingers of his hand. "I can take a hint. I'll leave you two alone to get acquainted."

The joke made you feel sick to your stomach.

As soon as Taehyung was out of earshot, you whirled back around to face his father, panic making your voice unstable and higher in pitch, as you leaned toward the older man and hissed between your teeth, "We have to tell him!"

Yenjun's dark eyes flicked over your shoulder, probably to where the back of his son was visible at the bar, and then he said, hushed and determined, "That's the worst thing we could do. We're not telling him."

"What?" You gasped out, and when several patrons glanced in your direction due to your outburst, you lowered your voice, fingers clutching the edge of the table until they turned white. "Are you kidding me? I'm not lying to your son."

"Exactly. My son." Yenjun stared you down with a serious expression, long fingers splayed on the table between you. His features were intense, and though you knew he was kind and gentlemanly, you could see he could be terrifying if pushed by the wrong people. "I know him better than anyone in his life. This will ruin him, absolutely destroy him. No, we keep it a secret." He reached up to adjust his glasses, lips set into a firm serious line. "I promise you. It's best this way. And besides, he knows what you do for work. This is nothing out of the ordinary, you have overnight customers all the time. It's never personal, why should it be this time? "

"Because you're my boyfriend's father!" You whispered angrily back, trying to control the shaking in your fingers by gripping the edge of the table even harder than before.

Yenjun parted his lips, as if he was going to say something else, but Taehyung arrived back to the table, drinks in hand, before either of you could argue your points any longer.

The Girlfriend Package (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now