The Kiss

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Taehyung didn't even hesitate once those words of permission had left your lips.

Without thinking, without letting himself second guess anything else, he was leaning into you, his hands coming up to frame the sides of your face, fingers unwittingly tracing down the arches of your cheekbones, and with less than a breath between the two of you, his lips were covering yours.

Taehyung had wanted to kiss you since-well shit-since he had opened the door to find you standing on his porch and he had saved you from tumbling down his front steps.

And dammit, was it everything he had imagined.

As soon as his lips fit to yours, you melted against him, your arms going around his neck, fingers tangling into the long, dark curls that rested at the nape of his neck, the touch of your fingertips on his skin sending a slight shiver down his spine.

Your lips were soft and warm and tasted like vanilla chapstick and he was suddenly very aware that his heart was pounding loudly in his chest, blood rushing in his ears, as his hands slid up the slick material of your dress to rest on the curve of your hips, fingers digging slightly into the satin, and he could swear he could feel the heat from your body through the thin material beneath his palms.

You let out a soft sigh against his lips, and something within his stomach clenched in response, a pleasant feeling, and without thinking once again, he let his tongue slip out from his mouth and enter the barely parted space between your lips.

Suddenly, a brief thought of doubt entered his head, and he wondered, in a slight panic, if he had crossed a line, if you would be less than receptive to his bold and very forward move.

But your reaction to him instantly chased those thoughts away and put him at ease.

You teased his tongue with your own for a moment, before you slid the organ between his own lips, swiping carefully and slowly across his full bottom lip and then his teeth, causing him to instinctually lightly, playfully, nip at the tip of your tongue.

Taehyung felt lightheaded in that moment, as if he couldn't breathe, as if all the air in his body had left, and all that existed was the pounding of his heart in his ears, the feel of your cool, slick dress beneath his fingertips, the taste and feel of your swollen lips against his own.

The briefest and oddest thought blinked into his head then, while he was holding you against him, mouth fitted with your own.

He had never enjoyed vanilla chapstick more.


Holy shit.

That was the only thought that existed in your head during the kiss with Kim Taehyung.

He was a damn good kisser. No, he was a great kisser.

And when he pulled back from you, finally, reluctantly almost, breaking the contact between the two of you, you were ashamed to say that the only thing you could think about in that moment, staring back at him, trying to catch your breath, was how he was probably just as great at other things.

He offered you a rueful grin, as he reached up to push some stray curls from his forehead, chest still heaving as he caught his breath, before he said, voice husky, "You're really good at that."

"Why else do you think people pay me?" You teased, raising your eyebrows playfully at him, as you leaned over slightly to get more air into your lungs, trying to force yourself to stop looking at his lips and thinking about wanting to kiss him again.

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