The Groceries

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You snapped your glazed over vision back up to the man in front of you, a gentle, slightly amused smile on his face, as he watched you patiently, lips still forming the syllables of your name.

"I'm so sorry, Ben." You apologized hastily, trying to bring yourself completely back from your thoughts, which you had been deeply lost in for the last several minutes. You offered him an apologetic smile, as you sighed and said, "What were you saying?"

"It's your turn." He smiled at you one again, a twinkle in his eyes, hidden behind the lenses of his thick reading glasses, the wrinkles at the corners of his mouth furrowing deeper, if that were possible, with the gesture.

You leaned forward over the table separating the two of you, picking up one of your pawns, as you bit your lip, studying the game board, before you moved the white chess piece a few squares toward Ben's line of black pieces, before sitting back.

You were glad you were with Ben this morning. Your jumbled thoughts constantly dragging at your attention wouldn't have been so well received with some of your other clients, but Ben had been with you since the beginning, he understood your off days, though they were few and far between. You tried to keep your personal life completely separate from your professional one if possible.

"Now." The older man, white hair gleaming in the overhead light that dangled above the kitchen table, hunched forward, squinting behind his glasses, as he reached for his knight, before saying teasingly, "Are you going to tell me what you were thinking so hard about just now, missy?" He sat back after moving his piece, motioning for you to move next, as he flashed a wink at you from across the table. "Another, younger, more attractive suitor perhaps?"

There was no malice in his voice, only warm amusement, but you hurried to correct him, knocking over one of your chess pieces as you waved your hands frantically in his direction, saying quickly, "No, nothing like that, Ben! You know me. I make it a point never to spend my time with clients thinking of other clients." You moved your chess piece, capturing one of his pawns, and setting the piece down beside you on the table, adding it to your ever growing collection, you let out a sigh and said heavily, "I actually was just thinking about my grocery list if you can believe it." You let out a humorless chuckle, watching as he took his next move. "I'm headed over to see mom after this."

"Ah." Ben, wrinkled hands folding over the buttons lining down his chest, studied you with a knowing look in his blue, watery eyes. "And how is your mother these days, my dear?"

You captured another black chess piece, rolling the bishop over and over in your hands as you pondered how to answer his well meaning question. Finally, you managed a tight lipped smile, as you met his gaze once again, voice quiet, as you replied, "She's doing as well as can be expected. Thanks for asking, Ben."

"Good. That's good." The older man mused, rubbing at the white stubble growing on his chin, before he leaned forward and knocked over your king. A triumphant look crossed his face at the surprise that flashed across your features. "Check Mate."

"Shut up." You peered down at the chess board, knowing that he always beat you, but still incredulous whenever he did so. You never saw his strategy until it was too late. Flashing him a grin, you shook a finger sternly at him, as you stood, gathering your coat and purse into your arms. "How you do that every time, I will never know."

"Well." The old man reached out, patting your forearm with softened fingers, the gesture nothing but friendly. "If you keep coming around every Wednesday until I die, I might just be able to teach you some of my tricks."

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